What are the lyrics of the song "Go Everywhere, Water All the Way"? Who sang it?
This is a well-known song in the 1990s, especially for many wanderers who are far away from home. The singer is Han Lei and the creator is the famous artist Li Haiying. The lyrics of "Walking in Four Sides" have been fascinated by water for a long time, watching the sunset fall from one village to another and come back. The years are long and the water is long, which is fascinating. Every village is fascinated by the setting sun and coming back. Years have passed, and I watched it all the way. At dusk, I still walked silently into the distance alone in the wilderness. I don't know where to go. My dream is to shake and sing all the way until the vast mountains. Many people can't stop looking back at their dreams when they walk through this place, but they can walk all the way in the distance, look at their hometown, walk all the way, walk all the way to the water, and be fascinated for a long time. Village after village, watching the sunset fall and come back, all the way to the water's edge, fascinated for a long time.