Liang Wen is a spiritual strength of China people put forward by Gu Hongming in The Spirit of China (also known as Justice in the Spring and Autumn Period).
China people have this kind of strength, this kind of powerful sympathy, because they live a spiritual life completely or almost completely.
China people's life is a life of sensibility-this sensibility does not come from sensory intuition, nor from the passion of the nervous system you mentioned, but from the depths of our human nature-the passion of the soul or the love for human beings.
China has always been regarded as a country of etiquette, so what is its politeness essence? This is the feeling of understanding and caring for others. China people are polite because they live a spiritual life. They fully understand their own feelings, easily put themselves in others' shoes, and show the characteristics of understanding and caring for others' feelings.
The most prominent feature of China people is that when they live a spiritual life and live like children, they have the power of thought and reason that medieval Christians or any other nation in the primary stage do not have. In other words, the most wonderful feature of China people is that, as a nation with a long history, it not only possesses the wisdom of adults, but also leads a childlike life-spiritual life.
The real China people are people who have a childlike innocence and the wisdom of adults and live a spiritual life. In short, the real China people have a childlike heart and an adult heart. The Chinese national spirit is a spirit of eternal youth and an immortal national soul.
Compassion or true human wisdom has created China-type people, thus forming the indescribable gentleness of the real China people. This real human intelligence is the organic combination of sympathy and intelligence, which makes people's mind and brain harmonious. In a word, it is the harmony between mind and reason.
If the spirit of the Chinese nation is a spirit of eternal youth and an immortal national soul, then the secret of the immortality of the national spirit is the perfect harmony between China people's mind and reason.