Sun Tzu said:
Soldiers, state affairs, places of life and death, and ways of survival must be observed.
Therefore, we should learn five things, learn their methods and seek their feelings: one is Tao, the other is heaven, the third is earth, the fourth is will, and the fifth is law. Tao, which makes people identify with the world, can die with it, can live with it, but not be dangerous; Heaven, yin and yang, cold and heat, time system; Those who live on the ground are far and near, easy, wide and narrow, dead and alive; General, wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage and strictness; Legalism, music system, official way, main use. We should listen to these five things. Those who know will win, and those who don't know will be invincible. Therefore, the school takes it as a plan and asks its feelings, saying: Who is in charge? Who can? What is heaven and earth? What is the law? Who is stronger?
Who practices foot soldiers? Who is the reward and punishment? I know the result from this. Will listen to my plan, use it to win and keep it; You won't listen to my plan. If you use it, you will fail. Go away.
Listen to what you earn, so that you can help others. This is the trend. Those in power control power for profit. Soldiers are cunning. Therefore, you can show what you can't do, use it without showing it, show it far and near, and show it near and far. Lure it, take it at random, prepare it, avoid it, scratch it angrily, be humble, do it, let it go, attack it unprepared and surprise it. The victory of this military commander should not be announced first.
If the husband does not fight, the temple will win; If the temple didn't win before the war, it would be too few. More is better than less, but better than nothing! From this perspective, we can see the results.
2. Seek the sixth place to read modern literature and classical Chinese, and click "Read some ancient books" to read the answer. 4 voice and wisdom, swing 2 voice and frown 4 voice and forehead wrinkle 4 voice and eyebrows.
1) From the text, reading ancient books is good for us:
1) is of great benefit to our life accomplishment and literary accomplishment.
2. It is also helpful for us to learn language and write.
(2) Throughout the whole paper, the reasons why the author advocates "reading some ancient books" can be summarized as three aspects:
1. Ancient books and records are the most precious legacy left by our ancestors, just like ships full of thoughts and wisdom. Leaving the classics is equivalent to leaving the traditional culture and leaving your roots.
Reading ancient books can not only improve our quality of life and literature, but also help us learn language and write.
3. If we abandon ancient books like dirt, we are sorry for the ancients and even more sorry for future generations!
(3) While looking forward to the future, don't forget to look back at the past, read some ancient books and leave roots. What is the significance of middle school students reading ancient books? Please tell me your opinion.
The philosophy of life contained in ancient books can enrich our hearts; The history and culture in ancient books can enrich our horizons; The rise and fall of honor and disgrace in ancient books can cultivate our patriotic sentiments; Poetry in ancient books can poeticize our life.
3. Introduction to Ancient Chinese Medicine "Ancient Chinese Medicine" is the name of a book. In 2007, it was approved as an excellent textbook for higher education in Beijing, and it was used by higher vocational colleges of Chinese medicine and adult education.
This is a practical reference book. From the compilation of the syllabus to the final completion of this textbook, it has experienced several degrees of cold and heat.
Ancient medical literature is a subject to study the language and cultural phenomena of ancient Chinese medicine books and a basic course for Chinese medicine majors. The purpose of teaching Chinese ancient books is to help students read Chinese ancient books smoothly with the help of reference books through the selection of ancient medical documents and the teaching of basic knowledge of ancient Chinese.
At the same time, through the teaching of ancient Chinese medicine, students can understand the culture and essence of Chinese medicine, improve their humanistic quality and moral cultivation, and lay a solid cultural foundation for learning Chinese medicine well. Ancient medical works are ancient classical Chinese with medical contents.
In order to understand this aspect of classical Chinese, we should also learn some closely related ancient language knowledge. Therefore, ancient language knowledge related to ancient medical literature is the main content of ancient medical literature.
Ancient medical literature is the basis of traditional Chinese medicine. "Ancient Chinese Medicine" is a course to study the language and cultural phenomena of ancient medical literature, a basic course for seven-year Chinese medicine majors and undergraduates, and a main course in Chinese medicine colleges.
The purpose of teaching is to enable students to master the common words and their main meanings in ancient medical books, the basic knowledge of ancient Chinese and the basic skills of sentence breaking, modern translation and text understanding on the basis of the existing knowledge of classical Chinese, so that they can read ancient medical books smoothly, clear the obstacles of arts and sciences for the follow-up courses and learning ancient medical books after graduation, and urge some students to further study and develop in this professional field. The teaching of this course aims at cultivating students' comprehensive grasp of the essence of ancient Chinese medicine, improving students' humanistic quality and language level, perfecting knowledge structure, further improving students' understanding and analysis ability of Chinese medicine spirit, helping students to form personality and doctor temperament, and laying a solid and reliable foundation for engaging in clinical or other medical and health work of Chinese medicine in the future.
This course is centered on Ancient Chinese Medicine, and is constructed into a series of courses with Chinese medicine characteristics, including Ancient Chinese Medicine (Selected Works), General Introduction to Ancient Chinese Medicine, Annotation Outline of Ancient Chinese Medicine, and Chinese Medicine Philology. Combining the elective courses such as reading ancient Chinese prose, appreciating China's ancient masterpieces and summarizing ancient Chinese poetry will help students broaden their horizons, enrich their knowledge, promote their academic quality and continuously improve the nature of the subject "Ancient Chinese Medicine". If you want to "apply the world", you must have a deep understanding of ancient Chinese and traditional culture.
Therefore, as far as its nature and function are concerned, Ancient Medical Texts is a subject to study the language, characters, documents and culture of ancient Chinese medicine books, a basic and tool course for Chinese medicine majors in colleges and universities, an important course for quality education of traditional Chinese medicine students and a major course for lifelong education of traditional Chinese language and culture for Chinese medicine practitioners. Learning, mastering and applying the knowledge and methods of ancient Chinese medicine to cultivate and improve the level of ancient Chinese medicine is of great practical significance and far-reaching significance for improving the traditional language and cultural accomplishment and comprehensive professional quality that Chinese medicine workers must have, and then continuing to study ancient Chinese medicine in depth and promoting the inheritance and development of Chinese medicine academic and Chinese medicine cause.
Second, the teaching purpose and task of "Ancient Chinese Medicine" In a broad sense, the purpose and task of teaching ancient Chinese medicine is to enable students to directly read, understand, explain and study the literary significance of ancient Chinese medicine books through the study of ancient medical anthology and basic knowledge of ancient Chinese, and to use them correctly. In a narrow sense, it is to let students directly read, understand and explain the language problems and their meanings of ancient Chinese medicine books with the help of reference books, and to punctuate, punctuate and translate them.
This syllabus is based on narrow teaching objectives and tasks. Based on the nature and function of this course, Ancient Chinese Medicine also has the purpose and task of cultivating China's language and cultural literacy and humanistic quality with Chinese medicine characteristics.
Third, the teaching content of "Ancient Medical Literature" The teaching content of "Ancient Medical Literature" is determined according to the teaching purpose. As far as architecture is concerned, it is divided into three parts: selected works, basic knowledge and practice.
Among them, Wenxuan is divided into medical anthology and medical-related or closely related anthology according to its nature; According to its content and times, it can be divided into doctor biographies, medical book sequences, medical papers and medical papers. The teaching of anthology focuses on the linguistic knowledge of characters, words, sentences and meanings and traditional cultural knowledge, with the aim of enabling students to accumulate necessary perceptual materials of ancient medical books and cultivate certain perceptual knowledge.
Basic Knowledge is mainly divided into nine chapters (nine categories), namely: reference books, Chinese characters, vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric, exegesis, sentence reading, language translation and cultural common sense. The teaching of these contents is based on the principle of giving consideration to the system and highlighting the key points, aiming at cultivating students with certain theoretical knowledge and methods and the ability to solve practical problems.
"Practice" is a highly targeted training, which aims to deepen the content and main points of each chapter and cultivate students' ability to correctly explain words, break sentences and translate words. Fourth, the teaching of Ancient Chinese Medicine requires students to learn the contents stipulated in the syllabus, and students meet the following standards: 1. They can read traditional Chinese characters and write corresponding simplified Chinese characters.
2. Be able to identify the commonly used characters, ancient characters and variant characters selected in this paper, and write their corresponding original characters, near-style characters and regular script characters; 3. Be able to accurately explain the form, sound and meaning of the selected words, especially common words (including monosyllabic words, polysyllabic words, polyphonic words, idioms, allusions, etc.). ); 4. Be able to explain various special grammatical and rhetorical phenomena in the selected text; 5. Be able to correctly understand the meanings of sentences, paragraphs and articles in ancient medical literature; 6, understand the basic theory of "basic knowledge", master the application method, and be able to explain related problems; 7. Be able to accurately and fluently translate ancient Chinese with literal translation as the main and free translation as the supplement; 8. For ancient Chinese passages without punctuation marks, sentences can be accurately broken; 5. Principles and methods of teaching Ancient Medical Classics 1. As Wenxuan is a living material of ancient medical classics, its theory is based on its research.
4. Bibliography Lexical Bibliography is a science that studies the general law of the formation and development of cataloging, that is, the law of bibliographic information movement, and it is a theoretical summary and summary of the practical experience of cataloging.
The contents of bibliography mainly include document disclosure and description, bibliography indexing, bibliography information service and bibliography history. A branch of bibliography, including general bibliography: studying the general principles of bibliography and the basic methods of bibliographic indexing; Bibliography: studying the accumulation, arrangement and utilization of documents in various disciplines; Comparative bibliography: study the characteristics of bibliography development at home and abroad.
In addition, there is a sub-discipline, which focuses on the textual research of book edition status, called edition bibliography. This catalogue has a long history. The earliest catalogue in the world is Pinak Catalogue (also known as Catalogue of Famous Scholars and Their Works, with existing fragments) compiled by Calimarcos, an ancient Greek bibliographer and poet (about 305 BC ~ about 240 BC).
The bibliography not only records the books of the Alexandria Library led by Carrimarks, but also includes all the Greek documents at that time. The invention of printing greatly promoted the exchange and dissemination of world culture, and also promoted the development of bibliography compilation.
1545 C. Gesner published the world bibliography. /kloc-In the 6th century, the Italian jurist Giovanni Nevizano compiled the Bibliography of Jurists, and in 159 1 year, the German Israeli Spacci compiled the Bibliography of Medical Works.
1564 published the Catalogue of Frankfurt Book Market in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (published every six months thereafter until 1749), which became the beginning of the publication of bibliography. Later, many countries published this catalogue, which was further developed in 18 and 19 centuries. The emergence of national bibliography is a milestone in the development history of bibliography, which has made great progress in the compilation technology of bibliography, such as collection scope, classification system and retrieval methods.
/kloc-in the 0/9th century, national bibliographies published regularly appeared in the west, and since then, countries have compiled and published national bibliographies. The bibliography of the British Museum published by 188 1~ 1900 contains10.3 million books, with a total number of items exceeding 4.5 million, which is more than 230 volumes more than the French printed book catalogue collected by the National Library (published by 1897).
The card catalogue appeared in France in the second half of18th century, and gradually became one of the main forms of library collections in various countries after19th century. In the late 1960s, machine-readable catalogs appeared in the United States, and many countries have issued such catalogs since then.
The online joint catalog database of online library center is the largest bibliographic database (machine readable joint catalog) in the world. As early as the Shang Dynasty (BC 15 ~ BC 12 century), there were a large number of documents in China, including160,000 pieces of Oracle bone inscriptions unearthed in Xiaotun, Anyang. At that time, Oracle Bone Inscriptions's offerings were arranged in a certain order.
Historians in charge of documents in Zhou Dynasty have a clear division of labor, such as unofficial history's management of the records of the four directions, the books of three emperors and five emperors, and the titles of the books of the four directions, which shows that there is likely to be a catalogue of documents registered and reported in the Western Zhou Dynasty. According to the Records of Art and Literature in Han Dynasty, during the reign of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, Yang, the military and political servant, neglected his legacy and recorded the Records of the Soldiers, which is the earliest book catalogue recorded in the existing literature in China.
In 26 BC, Emperor Hancheng ordered Chen Nong to look for a suicide note and summoned doctors and other school secretaries. Liu Xiang died before proofreading, and his son Liu Xin followed in his father's footsteps. He compiled the full text of every narrative written by Liu Xiang when he was proofreading into 20 volumes of Bielu, and Liu Xin took it from Bielu to make seven volumes of Qilv.
Bielu is a model of narrative summary in later generations. Qilue established a bibliography classification system guided by Confucianism, which had a far-reaching impact on the compilation of later catalogues (see Bielu and Qilue). Xun Xu, the secretary supervisor of the Western Jin Dynasty, wrote Zhongjing's New Book. According to the cultural and academic development at that time and the changes in the number of books, he established four bibliographic classification systems.
In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Li Chong compiled Four Bibliography of Jin and Yuan Emperors, and the positions of the two books were reversed. The book of the History Department precedes the books of the philosophers, and the four-bibliography classification system established by Li Chong became the permanent system of cataloguing compiled by secretaries in Song, Qi, Liang, Chen and Sui Dynasties. The official catalogue of court books compiled by * * * has existed in all previous dynasties, such as: 200 volumes of Four Stories of Shu Qun compiled by Yuan Xingchong in the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, 40 volumes of Ancient and Modern Annals, 66 volumes of Chongwen General Catalogue compiled by Wang and Ouyang Xiu in the Song Dynasty, and Chongwen General Catalogue compiled by the Southern Song Dynasty.
The most outstanding representative of the official catalogue is the Catalogue of Sikuquanshu in Qing Dynasty. In a.d. 1772, Ji Yun was the chief editor. According to Li Hong's instructions, the abstracts written for various books during the compilation of Sikuquanshu were compiled, including 346 ancient books1species and 6,793 entries not included in Sikuquanshu. According to the classification system of classics, history, books and collections, there is a general order before the four books, a small order before the big and small categories, and each book has an abstract. It is a summary of China's ancient works before Qianlong in Qing Dynasty, which can be regarded as the most perfect representative of China's ancient bibliography classification system and the masterpiece of China's bibliography method. The Catalogue of Han Shu compiled by Ban Gu in the Eastern Han Dynasty was compiled into the Records of Han Shu Literature and Art according to Liu Xin's Seven Outlooks, which set a good example for later Historical Records and created a new Catalogue of Historical Records. It is the earliest existing catalogue in China, and it is also an important catalogue for studying social academic thoughts and cultural classics from pre-Qin to Western Han Dynasty.
The Annals of Sui Shu, the second earliest catalogue of historical records in China, reflects the living conditions of China literature in the Middle Ages. Since then, there have been literary and artistic records or historical records in Old Tang Shu, New Tang Shu, Song Shi, Ming Shi and even Qing Shi Draft, leaving a record of a generation of books or a single person's writings in the official history.
The private book catalogue is an important supplement to the official catalogue. It began with Seven Records compiled by Wang Jian in the Southern Song Dynasty. The catalogue follows a classification system of seven records. After six records, an atlas was added, and a short biography was set under the title of each book, which created a precedent for biographical summary. There are many lost articles in Seven Records compiled by Liang, Seven Forests compiled by Sui Xu and West House Bibliography compiled by Wu Jingzi in Tang Dynasty.
In the Song Dynasty, books were collected due to the development of culture and scholarship and the progress of printing.
5. Introduction to the contents of ancient Chinese medicine literature: From the compilation of the outline to the final completion of this textbook, it has experienced several years of cold and heat. Ancient medical literature is a subject to study the language and cultural phenomena of ancient Chinese medicine books and a basic course for Chinese medicine majors. The purpose of teaching Chinese ancient books is to help students read Chinese ancient books smoothly with the help of reference books through the selection of ancient medical documents and the teaching of basic knowledge of ancient Chinese. At the same time, through the teaching of ancient medical classics, students can understand the culture and essence of Chinese medicine, improve their professional level, humanistic quality and moral cultivation, and lay a solid cultural foundation for learning Chinese medicine well. Ancient medical works are ancient classical Chinese with medical contents. In order to understand this aspect of classical Chinese, we should also learn some technical terms and other ancient language knowledge closely related to it. Therefore, ancient language knowledge related to ancient medical literature is the main content of ancient medical literature. Ancient medical literature is the basis of traditional Chinese medicine.
This book is divided into three parts: selected works, basic knowledge and simulated test questions. Each text has reading materials for learning points, notes, translation and practice.
6. Library Service Guide of Beijing Foreign Studies University 1. Readers of our school need to show their campus cards or library cards when they enter the library, and readers outside the school need to apply for temporary reading cards in the library to access the materials.
Campus card holders can enjoy all the resources of our library. 3. Be polite and tidy.
4. Keep the museum quiet. When entering the reading area, please turn off the phone or turn it to mute. Noisy, laughing and reading aloud are prohibited in the museum. 5. Keep the museum clean. No spitting, littering, pasting or doodling.
6. Pay attention to fire safety. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the museum. 7. Take care of books and periodicals, equipment and buildings. Do not smear, tear or hide books and periodicals. Offenders will be dealt with according to relevant regulations.
8. Consciously abide by the rules and regulations of the library and obey the management of the staff. Book lending rules Book lending and returning (1) Book lending and returning procedures: Book lending and returning procedures are handled in all lending sources of the library.
Please show your campus card when you borrow books. (2) Loan term: 30 days; (3) Borrowing volume: 5-30 volumes. Please refer to the reader's borrowing authority for details.
2. Renewal appointment (1) Renewal procedures: the borrowed books can be renewed twice without others' appointment. The renewal procedures must be handled in the OPAC system of the library or the lending office of the library before the book expires.
From the date of renewal, the renewal period is the same as the original period. (2) Booking procedures: When all the books that readers need are lent out, they can go through the booking procedures online.
You can only book three copies at a time. Make an appointment to keep the book for 4 working days.
Books borrowed after the deadline need to be returned on time. Figure 3231313353236313431303231363533e585eaEB9313331303.
Books due during the winter and summer vacations should be returned within two weeks after the start of school; Books due on other legal holidays should be returned later. Readers who fail to return or owe a total of 65,438+00 yuan overdue will be suspended from borrowing books by the library until they have paid off their borrowed books and debts.
4. Defaced and lost (1) defaced: readers should take good care of books, and should not circle, deface or tear them. Offenders will be compensated in accordance with the Management Regulations on Compensation for Loss and Damage of Library Documents. (2) Loss: Compensation shall be made in accordance with the Management Regulations on Compensation for Damage and Loss of Library Documents.
5. Book reading (1) The reading room of our library provides open-shelf reading for readers. Please put it in the designated bookcase after reading. (2) Readers are not allowed to occupy reading seats with books, schoolbags and other items.
The library is not responsible for storing items that occupy space. Periodical reading rules 1. Readers of our school read with campus cards or library cards, and readers outside the school read with temporary reading cards.
2. The open-shelf newspapers and periodicals in the reading room are only available in the library and cannot be borrowed. Readers are limited to 2 volumes at a time, and put them back on the shelf after reading.
3. Newspapers that need to be copied should be copied in the library and returned on duty after going through the registration formalities at the counter staff. Books are not allowed to be taken out of the library without permission, and offenders will be dealt with according to relevant regulations.
4. Chinese periodicals in the reading room can be borrowed, and the borrowing rules are the same as those of books. Reading room rules 1. The reading room with various functions in the library is a public place for readers to study and read.
All the staff of this school will enter with their own one-card card. 2. Personnel from other units can only enter the office with a letter of introduction or relevant documents to apply for a temporary library card.
3. Please don't bring schoolbags, zippers, plastic bags and books borrowed from our library indoors. The books and periodicals displayed in the reading room are only for indoor reading, and shall not be taken out without permission.
Anyone who takes the information out without authorization will be alerted by the book inspection machine, and offenders will be dealt with and fined 20 yuan. 5. Please use the substitute book board to take books from the bookshelf, no more than two books at a time. After reading it, please put it back on the bookshelf according to the number.
6. After the staff goes through the formalities, the library is responsible for copying the documents that need to be copied. In violation of the provisions, pay the book loss fee 20 yuan.
Rules of electronic reading room The electronic reading room is a public place for readers to surf the Internet. Its main services include: public inquiry, database inquiry, network resource utilization, online browsing, document printing, video-on-demand and reader training. In order to maintain a good network environment and normal operation of computers and prevent the invasion of computer viruses, the following regulations are formulated: 1. Readers must hold a prepaid card to get on the computer; The place where the user handles the recharge card: Beiwai Communication Card Service Center.
2. Readers who bring their own computers on USB flash drives or mobile hard disks must first check whether there is a virus on the USB flash drives or mobile hard disks, and they can operate on the computers only after there is no virus. 3. Take care of indoor equipment. Readers should follow the procedures prescribed by the computer. It is forbidden to change the system settings without permission, and they are not allowed to enter any instructions other than the regulations.
What readers want to see is academic, healthy, knowledgeable and interesting. If unhealthy content is found, the library will criticize and educate it, and impose a fine of 50- 100 yuan depending on the seriousness of the case.
If readers have any questions or machine failures, please contact the staff in time. 6. Don't bring food, drinks, etc. In order to avoid damaging the microcomputer indoors.
7. When the reader leaves the machine, please turn it off according to the prescribed procedures. The provisions on loss, damage and overdue of library documents are as follows: 1. If the documents and materials are stolen, they should be reported to the school for handling according to law, and the original materials should be recovered. If there are no original materials, a fine of ten times the price of the original materials shall be imposed.
2. If the documents and materials are lost, the principle of compensation in kind for the same version shall be followed, and the document processing fee shall be paid. If the same version cannot be compensated, cash compensation shall be made as follows.
Chinese literature published after (1) 1987 shall be compensated at five times the original price; Chinese literature published before 1987 (including 1987) shall be compensated at ten times the original price. (2) The domestic version of foreign language documents shall be compensated at five times the original price; Foreign original documents shall be compensated at ten times the original price; Unique, out of print, precious books and periodicals, picture books and other literary works. Compensation shall be made at 15 times of the original price.
(3) If one volume or part of the complete set of volumes can't compensate for the original documents, the compensation shall be 5- 10 times of the total price of the complete set. 3. Readers who mark, alter or deface documents shall be dealt with as follows: (1) If books and periodicals are marked or altered with a pencil, the borrower shall be required to wipe them clean and be criticized and educated; If you use a ballpoint pen, pen, brush, etc. Sketch, alter or tear off illustrations and lose other accessories, and impose a fine of 2 times the original book price depending on the circumstances.
(2) If the certificate is seriously defaced and continues to be used, it shall be handled according to the lost clause. (3) If the documents are torn, the compensation shall be five times of the original price, and informed criticism shall be paid.
The damaged documents are still in the library. Interlibrary loan system 1. Readers of our library (limited to teachers of our school.