A kite, a meter of sunshine. A group of children, laughing. -Wang Chapter 2: A chair and a bottle of coke. One foot, one sea.
A mountain, a river. A paddy field, a farmer. A tall building, a highway. A car, a pedestrian. A door, a family. A community, a security guard. A meadow, a bunch of flowers. A kite, a loud laugh.
Zheng Shengxi, a blackboard and a box of chalk. A podium, a teacher. A runway, a row of horizontal bars. A bunker, a flag. A school, a teaching building. Flagpole and red flag. A playground, a runway. One football, two goals. A garden and a row of trees. A bunch of flowers, a bird.
A classroom and a blackboard. A teacher, a group of students. Pan Beini, a sofa, a coffee table, a TV, a potted flower, a big bed, a cupboard, a portrait, a pair of slippers, a river, a group of fish, a sea of flowers and a park. A forest. A street, a river. A balloon, a bunch of passers-by. A stone bridge, a boat. Circus, a crowd. A bike, a stroller. A flag, an elephant.