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M?t mùa thu tàn úa lá vàng r?i kh?p s?n

Autumn with leaves falling all over the ground< /p>

Mình anh n?i ?y c n l?ng l?

I am alone

T? khi em ra ?i t?ng hàng c?y tr ?c s?n

Since you left, the row of trees in the playground

D?ng nh? c?ng ? xác x i nhi?u

It seems It’s also a lot deserted

R?i mùa thu ?i qua khi mùa ?ng ? v?

Autumn has passed and winter is coming

Ch? mong tin em nh?ng sao ch?ng th?y

Waiting and looking forward to hearing from you but never seeing it

Ng?i yêu ?i em có còn yêu anh n?a kh?ng

My lover, do you still love me?

Mà sao kh?ng th?y m?t l?i cho nhau

But why didn’t you leave a word? K:

Ng?i yêu ?i có bi?t anh nh? em nhi?u l?m

My lover, do you know How much I miss you

Nh?ng ?êm trong gi?c m? tay n?m tay ngh?n ngào

But in our sleep we held hands

Lòng h?nh phúc bi?t bao ng? r?ng em còn ?y

How happy you are if you are still here

N? h?n trao ng? t ng?y ?i tình yêu tuy?t v?i

Beautiful love sweet kiss

Ng?i yêu ?i có bi?t anh nh? em nhi ?u l?m

My love, do you know how much I miss you bao n?m tháng qua anh v?n mong v?n ch?

How many years have passed, I'm still looking forward to it and still waiting

Gi? em ?ang u h?y v y bên anh

Where are you now? Come back to me

Tình yêu ta th?p lên trong mùa xu?n xanh ng?i

Let our love be reborn in the spring!