1. Wang Haichao mourns Prime Minister Zhou Enlai.
The star of Wuhou has fallen, the mountains and rivers remain the same, and the sages will be lonely for a long time. Putting pen to paper in Lanshan, running Huangpu, it is difficult to be a soldier all his life. Morality is a burden, protecting the country is decided early, and the world is safe. When the sun goes down, Yu Xiang has a great love.
The ship does not avoid the tide, and there are pillars in the middle, which is comparable to the golden mirror. Eight broken, three broken dreams, remonstrance is useless. Long tears are full of blue, sighing that the noon gate has changed, and the rain has turned over the clouds. Love still exists, and people go to the empty field.
2. Lotus in Quyuan, Xia Meng in Huanxisha Year.
A beautiful song sounded in the depths of the courtyard, with blue waves and blue waves. The lotus is red and the moon is round.
Who is hanging around with a ribbon? The sound of paddles is charming. Dream of going back to be a formal traveler.
3. Xinmao Ji Chun Ye Lihang Ergong Temple
Green trees shade the secluded path, where to find mountains.
Xixi water next to the temple, Beiping people under the eaves.
Good quiet writing courage, poor writing poetry soul.
The breeze blows green wax, and it feels like dusk.
Observe the tide
When the tide comes, the wind and thunder change, and the tide returns to the air, leaving practice marks.
After several ups and downs, the world has widened, and some people in Jiangshan have made waves.
Source: Chinese Poetry Research Center of Capital Normal University.