Hou Yi usurped Xia Quan and Han Zhuo took his place. Xia dynasty was a vassal, and it was the battle of Yi. Later, forced by Han Zhuo, he fled to Youwei (now southeast of Dezhou, Shandong Province) to take refuge. He relied on the strength of Ying's family, and the organizational strength of Zhu Guanjia and Zhu Xun's family who were defeated by poor families, and prepared to fight for the restoration of rule. At this time, Shao Kang had accumulated strength in Shi Yu (now northeast of Yucheng, Henan Province) to prepare for the restoration of the country. Bomi got in touch with Shao Kang and cooperated in the war. After Shao Kang attacked and destroyed Han Zhuo's second son Shuihe (see Xia Shaokang's battle to destroy Shuihe and Xia Yi's battle to destroy tapirs), Bomi led the army of Ying, Shui Guan and Shui Xun to attack and search, and fought a decisive battle with the poor army led by Han Zhuo. Bomi's army is large in scale and extremely effective. It wiped out the poor army in Han Zhuo and killed Han Zhuo. Han Zhuo's regime collapsed. Bomi entered the DPRK, made Shao Kang emperor, and restored the rule of Xia Houshi.