What exactly is "don't be angry, don't cross"

Don't be angry is a sentence of Confucius, which means: When I am angry, I won't make the same mistake twice if I don't let it climb up. Confucius said to him, "Those who have Yan Hui are eager to learn, will not be angry but will never fail. Unfortunately, if you are short-lived, you will die today. You have never heard of a good scholar.

"Don't be angry, don't be unfaithful" can be said to be an unattainable accomplishment. If you don't take out your anger, something will go wrong and you won't let it continue to rise. If you don't make a mistake, correct it. You won't make the same mistake twice.

Extended data:

This sentence is selected from Biography of Historical Records and Zhong Ni.

On the 29th of the following year, the hair turned white and the flea died. Confucius cried bitterly and said, "Since I have something in return, my disciples benefit my relatives." Lu Aigong asked, "Who is a studious disciple?" Confucius said to him, "Those who have Yan Hui are eager to learn, will not be angry but will never fail. Unfortunately, if you are short-lived, you will die today. I have never heard of a good scholar. "

Yan Hui was twenty-nine, his hair turned white, and he died young. Confucius was very sad about Yan Hui's death and said, "Since I had Yan Hui, my disciples have become closer to each other." Lu Aigong asked, "Who among your disciples likes studying best?"

Confucius replied, "I have a student named Yan Hui who likes to study. He never turns his anger on others, nor does he make the same mistake again. But it's a pity that he died young, and so did Yan Hui. There are no such excellent students to inherit and spread my ideals.