The background of this poem is "An Shi Rebellion". Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty fled to the west, and Wang Wei, like other officials, was arrested by An Lushan. An Lushan also knew the importance of literati. Naturally, he didn't kill Wang Wei. Later, let him come out to be an official. Wang Wei is a patriot, but he has to work for An Lushan in order to survive. At that time, I loved not only Wang Wei, but also people who sang operas. When these people were called by An Lushan to sing, they couldn't control their patriotic feelings and cried and knelt down to the west (when the king was in the west). An Lushan was furious with these people. Wang Wei wrote Ning Bichi to record what happened at that time!
Later, An Lushan failed and Hengli returned to power. As a king, he will naturally not let go of those who have worked for anti-thieves, and Wang Wei is one of them. So at this very moment, this patriotic poem reached Wang Wei's ears, and Wang Wei's younger brother was also active in counterinsurgency, so Wang Wei successfully escaped! Because of the Anshi Rebellion, Wang Wei also saw the face of officialdom, and retired to study literature and Buddhism in the mountains from then on, and nothing came out again.
This poem is not only patriotic, but also a poem reflecting everyone's situation at that time. Wang Wei longed for the ministers to work together again and condemn An Lushan's rebellion. Therefore, it cannot be said that this poem is the worst of Wang Wei, nor can it be said that it is the most important. This poem is the most realistic monologue!