Analysis: Describe the music. Confucius loved to be less happy and said, "I don't know the taste of meat in March!" " "This is too exaggerated. In the age of Confucius, meat was very important to people. Confucius collects tuition fees, but what he collects is dried meat. However, after listening to the wonderful little music, his whole body, for a long time, was full of joy and aftertaste brought by little music.
Shao is a kind of elegant music, which is said to have been written by Shun, mainly for the "virtue", that is, to praise and express the emperor's virtue. It is said that Shun wrote this song to show that he would inherit Yao's virtue.
This "I don't know the taste of meat" should not only be a state of enjoying music, but also a mysterious feeling immersed in artistic appreciation, which also carries Confucius' beautiful vision for the ritual and music system.