You have to know the tides to go to Xiaohai. When there is a big flood, there is a small flood; They know when the tide is high and when it is low during the flood season, and they can also tell the direction on the deserted open beach. Therefore, the young men who go to Xiaohai first are led by the old haihu, otherwise it is easy to have an accident. All the people walk to the seaside. They have to make great efforts to step on and rake with their feet. Against the blue sky and beige sand beach, the vigorous figure of the dry sea people is like a Haizi cow. Due to long-term exposure to the sea breeze and the sun, their old faces and bronzed skin show the vicissitudes of their lives and the hardships of their days. They wore a cool little hat, naked and barefoot, and tied a cattail millet bag around their waist, digging and stepping on the beach like treasure hunting. Sometimes, for the sake of safety, when the sea bag is not full, we go back with a long pole. In response to the meteor-like footsteps, the pole fluttered and jumped rhythmically on the shoulder. At that time, there was a song among them: stepping on a worm's paw (clam) in the sea, picking up mud snails by the way, carrying them ashore, and being happy all the way. In fact, at that time, clams were very cheap, and ten pounds could be bought for a dime. What was even less valuable was snails and snails. Fishermen who rely on small seas to support their families are naturally very difficult and embarrassed. But they have a sea.