What movies are there about Vietnam's self-defense counterattack-kamikaze and dragon?

Documentary: counterattack, 1986 Lan Jian b action, war archives-China-Vietnam self-defense counterattack.

Feature films: Artillery Major/KOOC-0/993, Waltz for Female Soldiers/KOOC-0/986, Proud Mother of Changying Factory/KOOC-0/980, Armor of Bayi Factory 008/KOOC-0/980, Flower Skirt of Bayi Factory/KOOC-0/980. Battle of Long Paishan in Bayi Factory 198 1 Young Friends of Emei Factory 198 1 Ma Qiang, a recruit of Beijing Film Factory198/Shanghai Film Factory Gaoshan 1984. 1986 15th Moon of North Film Factory, Xiying Factory 1986, Changying Factory 1987, Army Trainee, Bayi Factory 1987, Bayi Factory 1989.

Tv series: Triumph at Midnight/KOOC-0/986, Yamashita Garland/KOOC-0/983, Kamikaze Dragon/KOOC-0/984, Panthers Commando/KOOC-0/984, Military Soul/KOOC-0/987, in which Yamashita