Imagination" brings "realistic experience"
The "Creator" of this world is working deep in your spiritual consciousness, hidden behind all your abilities and talents. Contains perception (awareness) and continuously flows into your "surface consciousness" heart, disguised as the most easily ignored form of "creative imagination"
Pay close attention to your thoughts. , you will catch it in your creative actions, because it is your complete and complete self. At every moment, you are imagining the information you are aware of, and if you have not forgotten you. What you are imagining, and these contents are realized and experienced by you, then you have discovered the cause that created your world (If I never forget what I have imagined, then I will discover. , all my experiences were imagined, associated, and imagined long before I experienced them personally. -- Translator's Note)
Because "God" is pure and clear imagination. , and is the only Creator, if you have imagined a certain state of consciousness and brought it into personal experience, you have discovered it by bearing in mind that "God" is your consciousness, your I am, I. AM; So when you are imagining, imagining something, God is imagining, imagining something, and if you imagine and forget what you imagined, then when it is presented to you, you may recognize it. No, that's what you are harvesting your imagination. It may be seen as good, bad, or neutral, but if you forget how it came to the actual experience of your life, you will. You haven't found "God" yet.
Material wealth is not necessary for you to be happy, but you must definitely have imagination. You may be sitting on a large amount of material wealth for tomorrow's needs. And worry and fear, or you have nothing but travel around the world happily, because everything exists in your own perfect imagination as a human being.
(If we. If we are careful enough and carefully observe the various associations that emerge in our hearts and what is activated in our hearts first before we do anything, then we will discover what we do in our daily behavior, every moment, and every moment of our lives. Before you do anything, such as where to go or what to do, you should carefully observe your inner mind. There will always be thoughts, associations and images in your imagination when we are cleaning the house, or even when we are eating at night. Before we take action to cook or buy the food we need, we all associate and imagine it before we act. If we don’t have imagination, we can’t do anything and experience nothing. No. --- Translator's personal experience. )
Let me tell you a story. I knew a woman who was roaming in her imagination when she was about 16 years old. At that time, she was living in Northern California. She loved her father, who lived a luxurious life, was tall and handsome. He provided everything necessary for a comfortable family life, until one day he was murdered. Then, the next night, the family discovered that they had nothing! Her mother, feeling unable to bear the embarrassment and embarrassment of life, moved to San Francisco, and the girl, despite her obvious artistic talent, could only work as a waitress to support the family.
She finished her work on Christmas Eve and was waiting to take the tram home. At this time, she found a car full of boys and girls, singing and laughing, and she Uncontrollable tears rolled down his face. Fortunately, it was raining at the time, so she looked up at the sky and let the rain roll down with tears. When she tasted the bitterness of her tears, she said to herself: "This is not a tram, but a ship. I am not swallowing my tears, but the salty taste of the sea water floating in the wind. "As she rode the moving tram, holding onto the railing, she imagined she was touching the railing of a ship, bound for Samoa. She tasted the saltiness of her tears and imagined it to be the saltiness of sea water. When the tram arrived at the station, she imagined arriving in the harbor of Samoa, feeling the moonlight shining on her body and hearing a voice saying: "This is really a heavenly night."
Two weeks later, the girl received a check for $3,000 from a Chicago law firm. This seems to be a legal document that her aunt applied for when she left the United States 2 years ago. That is, if her aunt does not return to the United States, the money will be given to her niece. Within a month, the girl was on a ship bound for Samoa. As she entered the harbor, she saw a ship sailing and white waves rolling up in the water. The moonlight suddenly shocked her. The moonlight shone on her face. A gentleman was standing nearby and said, "This is really a heavenly night." At that moment, she experienced it with her external senses. Everything she had experienced with her inner senses had become real!
Imagination--the perception of the spiritual mind--is the creator of the world.
Using her five bodily senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching), she transformed a streetcar in San Francisco into a ship sailing the South Pacific, and within a month she was Physically experiencing the actions she imagined.
Many of you will be quick to say, it’s nothing, it’s just a coincidence, but it’s not a coincidence at all! This is true, but how do I make you believe what I say? Whether you believe me or not, I am convinced from my experience that "God" is the same vast imagination as you, and there is no God other than that! One day, your original imagination will be awakened by your own, and you will fully feel and realize - what and who you really are - and you will be convinced that all things are created by you. Dominant. This is your destiny, and you will come to this clarity and complete awareness.
The present moment is an imaginary action that has already been formed, a scene that has been concretely formed in the imagination. Stop it, and you can change it within yourself, by following the advice given in Jeremiah 18: "Stand up! Go into the potter's house, and I will make you listen. So I went into the potter's house, where he was working on his "turning wheel." The image in his hand was distorted and grotesque, but He remade it into another image, because the potter made it whatever looked good."
The word "potter", translated, means imagination, and we are inspired by it. Told: God is not only our Father, but also the Potter, and we are the clay in His hands! (Isaiah 64)
You remember that one day your boss scolded you, and based on what the boss said to you, you are developing a series of imaginative associations and investing yourself in them. In your own imagination. This imagination is disgusting, negative, and bad. This imagined scene is distorted and distorted. The cards you play cannot be invalidated. Walk into the potter's house and use the same scene to imagine that day - your boss congratulating you for your abilities and achievements. Think about it in retrospect. Shape yourself. So will doing this change your world? Let me tell you: As the God of all things in the universe, that consciousness, from morning to night, uses the words, actions, and events that you believe to be "true" and accepts as "true"---those things that appear to be true on the surface. Words, actions and events from others influence and shape you all the time.
I urge you to shape your world from within, not from without. Describe yourself as "You are liked by others, and others trust what you say." As you sit and act, assume and believe that this is true - because no power can stop "God" - --what he imagines and accepts as true, he will experience for himself.
You are not someone apart from God. You have never been outside consciousness, because I am, I AM cannot be separated or separated.
The Eternal Lord, our God