How many syllables are there in English poetry? Two. Three? Count three according to the phonetic symbols. .

poetic sentiment

English [? Ptri] Beauty [? Po. tri]

Poetry, poetry; Poetry, poetry; Write poetry; Poetry art

There are three altogether. Me.

Syllables: Syllables are the basic unit of pronunciation, and the pronunciation of any word is broken down into syllables to read aloud.

In English, vowels are particularly loud. A vowel can form a syllable, and a vowel and one or more consonants can also form a syllable.

Generally speaking, vowels can form syllables, and consonants are not loud enough to form syllables. English consonants have four consonants: [m], [n], [ng] and [l], which can be combined with consonant phonemes to form syllables. The syllables they form often appear at the end of words, usually unstressed syllables.