The day of the Lord's arrival is near.

The second coming of the Lord is near.

Children of God should pray and be vigilant.

The Lord once called his children.

Go around the world to preach the gospel.

I heard the voice of the Lord

Who will go for us?

Offer yourself as a living sacrifice.

God delights in holiness.

Lord, this is my hand. Lord, this is my heart.

I submit myself completely to you. I give you everything.

The Lord cleanses my hands and the Lord cleanses my heart.

Wherever I go, I will follow you.

The second coming of the Lord is near.

Children of God should pray and be vigilant.

The Lord once called his children.

Go around the world to preach the gospel.

I heard the voice of the Lord

Who will go for us?

Offer yourself as a living sacrifice.

God delights in holiness.

Lord, this is my hand. Lord, this is my heart.

I submit myself completely to you. I give you everything.

The Lord cleanses my hands and the Lord cleanses my heart.

Wherever I go, I will follow you.

Lord, this is my hand. Lord, this is my heart.

I submit myself completely to you. I give you everything.

The Lord cleanses my hands and the Lord cleanses my heart.

Wherever I go, I will follow you.