Whale illustration dream sky-how to draw a dream whale

Color lead painting dream whale starry sky walking tool materials: color lead special paper, Faber-Carlton 48 color lead, high-gloss pen, rubber, compass.

The first step: draw a line draft, which is very simple. Step 2: Color the dolphins and make an outline.

Step 3: Color, light blue and light purple paint the sky, and light yellow paint the sea. Step 4: Overlap colors for the second time, paying attention to arrangement and transition. Step 5: Continue color superposition until the effect is satisfactory.

Step 6: sort out the details, highlight the stars and finish the work!

Whales give hope to the sea and signposts to people. When you get lost, it is. When you are lost, it is your hope and a symbol of kindness in the sea. I love the sea because I love whales.

Painting of Star Whale The painting steps of Star Whale are as follows:

1. After the blue lead hook has a big outline, start painting from the sky above. Pay attention to the color change.

2. Pay attention to the light blue reflection of the whale outline when drawing the whale. First, base the fish with dark blue, and use light blue and white.

Draw stripes.

3. After drawing the whale, continue to draw other details in the sky. Bright stars leave white, and there is light in the sky near the fish's tail.

Point, make room for some position in advance, and draw some after painting.

4. When drawing the sky, pay attention to the places where jellyfish and small fish are left blank.

5. After drawing the light blue light band in the sky, draw other small fish. Note the pale blue edge of the little blue fish.

6. Keep going down. Note that the kite line is marked with an empty ballpoint pen in advance, which will save a lot of trouble when drawing the sky.

7. The closer to the horizon, the brighter the sky. Pay attention to the gradual fading of color. Clear the location of the cloud.

8. Draw clouds in black, and the bright side of the clouds echoes the pink of the sunset glow in the sky.

9. Draw characters and the ground in black, and hook the dog's tail grass on the ground, and it is finished.

Whale profile:

The Latin scientific name of whale comes from the Greek word "sea monster", which shows the ancient people's reverence for this giant living in the ocean. In fact, whales vary greatly in size. Small whales are about 1.8 meters long, the largest can reach more than 30 meters, the heaviest can reach 1.70 tons, and the lightest also has 2000 kilograms, which are divided into baleen whales and toothed whales.

How to draw a dream whale stick figure is as follows:

Preparation materials: a piece of white paper and a colored pen.

1. Draw a semicircle first.

Draw a whale's tail

Draw eyes and spray

Colour it.