Ling Huang should use the law to promote the wind, and the yin will rise while the yang will rise, so as to relax. Sunflower shadows will move to the sun, and plum blossoms will bloom before the slight cold. Ba Shen has been watching for a thousand years, and six pipes are flying in the dust. There are already willows on the shore, which are uneven and want to bring spring.
Winter solstice Song Lu tour.
Time is hard to stop, things are different, and the end of the world looks back on sorrow. In ten years, people lived in three places, and the sun came from nine places overnight. Get on the horse and go out to collect the edition, and go home to stay and pass the cup. Tanchun flooded Jiang Mei early, and the crisp flowers in the plate also bloomed.
Winter solstice Wei
Lutai laughs at the book cloud, and good fortune is guessed in his eyes. When the yin is stripped, it will recover from the yang. If not, it must be to the extreme. The grass in first frost is tender and cold, and the dry plum powder is warm and fully open every day. I call it sitting and watching children worship, which is very common.
Dai Song puffer fish from winter solstice.
Time flies, there are many feelings in the world. One-year-old Hugh Xiang is in the clouds, how is the cloud fruit at present?
Wang Song Anshi from Winter Solstice.
Beijing opens Bo Road, and the solar terms are fine. I like watching children's colors and am willing to spread the voice of the market. Let's get together at leisure. Jane and Li each carry the engine. But considering his age, I can't close the business.
Wang Ming defends benevolence from winter solstice to day.
I didn't sleep in the guest bed to listen to thunder, so Yang Xichu returned at midnight. There is no business between heaven and earth, so first frost cannot bear to be urged by the temple. Who can weave funeral lines in spring? Dan Xin automatically turns gray at the end of the year. Expect us to be strong and watch the news window as soon as possible.