The origin of "fox" comes from Zen. The original meaning is that people like to go astray without taking the right path, but it can also be used to praise others, saying that people are not bound by convention and dare to break it. So Su Shi praised Wang Anshi instead of saying that he was a "fox". Regarding the feud between Su Shi and Wang Anshi, there is such a record that "I have been blessed for six years, and Su Ying should take the test." In Su Shi's Ce, detailed words refer to the discussion of state affairs, many of which are contrary to tens of thousands of words written by Gong Jingshang Renzong. When the examiners praised Su Shi's essays, the public did not blame Su Shi's essays for various warring states periods. "
Su Shi took part in the imperial examination, and it happened that Wang Anshi was the examiner. Su Shi's article was well received by other examiners, but Wang Anshi dismissed it because of his different political views. Wang Anshi also blamed Su Shi. Later, Su Shi was also very dissatisfied with Wang Anshi's behavior at that time, so he published an article openly satirizing Wang Anshi. Anyway, at that time, both of them worked hard in officialdom and literature and were very happy.
The turning point of their relationship was recorded at that time. "Although there is a political deal with Dongpo, they are not valerian. It is also appropriate for Gong Jing to denounce the opposition for his new policy. He just wants to bring it down or get rid of it, so as not to fall into the trap of the enemy and never want to die. What's more, after the Wutai Poetry Case, Su Shi was jailed, which made him keep enemies. Su Shi suffered greatly from the New Deal. It is really difficult for him to be impartial. " It is said that Su Shi was framed and imprisoned for radical remonstrance, and Wang Anshi laid down his life to save his life regardless of the past, which is really commendable.