Fang Zhongyong, a commoner in Jinxi, has been farming for generations. When Zhong Yong was five years old, he never saw writing tools and suddenly cried for them. His father was surprised at this and borrowed them from his neighbors. He immediately wrote four poems and wrote his own name. This poem was about supporting his parents and uniting people of the same clan, and it was sent to the scholars in the whole town to watch. From then on, someone designated something for him to write. There is something to appreciate about the literary talent and truth of poetry. People in the same county were surprised by him, and gradually invited his father to visit him. Some people begged Zhong Yong to write poetry with money and gifts. His father thought it was profitable, and he took Fang Zhongyong around to visit people in the same county every day, and he was not allowed to study.
I heard about it for a long time. During the Ming Dow years, he followed his late father back to his hometown and met Fang Zhongyong at his uncle's house. He was already twelve or thirteen years old. It is no longer commensurate with what I heard before. Seven years later, I came back from Yangzhou and went to my uncle's house to ask about Fang Zhongyong. My uncle said, "He can disappear completely, just like ordinary people."