3-word required reading list for high school English score (PEP).

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Compulsory 3 words 324

1 occurrence [] occurrence, resulting in; Go on, keep

2 beauty [5bj u: ti] n. beauty, beauty; A beauty, a beautiful thing.

Harvest, harvest, harvest; As a result, the consequences

Beautify, beautify.

5 celebrations [7 seli5b reifen] celebrations; religious rites

Go hungry, go hungry. Starve to death; Starving; Desperate for vt Starving.

Stay for longing and hope.

Origin ['origin] n.origin, source, reason. Birth, descent

Religious; Religious; divine

Seasonal, seasonal

1 1 ancestor [5 Ernst] n. ancestor, ancestor; Prototype, pioneer

12 grave [greiv] a. (the situation is serious); Grave grave

As a memorial to sb.

Northern Mexico [Latin America]

15 feast [fi: ST] n. feast; Festival six. Eat to your heart's content; partygoing

Bones, bones. Remove the bones from (fish, etc). )

17 believe [bi5li: f] n. trust, belief, belief; Faith, creed

18 dress up [] (make) put on the costume; Dress up, decorate, embellish

19 trick [trick] n. Cheat. cheat

Play tricks on ... Play tricks on ...

Poet, poet

Arrive, arrive, arrive

Harmful (or beneficial) to

24 in the form of [] ...

Admire ['admiration] n.admire. Praise, envy

In honor of ...; To commemorate, to celebrate

Be in good (or inherent) condition.

28 gain [gein] v. increase; Watches, etc. Let's go profit

Get, get. Get, get.

30 acquire[E5K wai e(r)]v. Get[ anti] lose; Learn (knowledge, etc.). ); Form (a habit)

Independence, independence.

32 independence [7 indi5independent] a. independence; An independent person; Independent person.

Gather, gather, gather; Collect, collect; Gradually increase; speculate

Agriculture, agronomy, farming

Agricultural; Agricultural; Agricultural; Agronomy; agronomic

Reward, reward. To award (a prize, etc). ) prizes, prizes, scholarships.

Produce, produce; Produce. Display; Show agricultural products

Rooster ['rooster] n.a conceited person.

Hen, hen.

Admire, envy. Admire, admire, envy; Praise, praise

Full of energy.

42 expectation [7 luk5fc: wedtu:] expectation, expectation; Expect, anticipate

Of the 43 moons of the moon, measured according to its motion.

Easter ['Easter] n.

45 military parade [Pe5Reid] v. Military parade team; March in procession, parade; Boast; show off

"Day and night" see "day and night".

Clothing, clothes (collective noun, uncountable)

Christian, Christian; Have the spirit of Christ


Flowering; In full bloom; In full bloom; In full bloom; Blooming. Flowering period; Youth six. Flowering; Expand; Prosperous

5 1 as if [] seems, seems, seems.

Have fun.

Have fun; Have a good time; Have a good time

54 Causes of []; Orientation; affect

Habit, custom, convention. Customs (complex) (often capitalized)

All over the world. All over the world.

Fool, fool. Cheat, fool vi. fudge

Now, now, now, now. Gift v. gift; Put forward; introduce

Need, need, need. Inevitability; 【pl。 ] Business English necessities

60 permissions [pe5mifen] * n n. Allow; Permission; agree

6 1 forecast [PRI5DIKFEN] n forecast; A prophetic thing

Fashion (of clothes, etc.); Fashion (behavior, etc)

Parking lot, parking lot

64 parking lot [] parking lot

65 turn up [7tE:n 5Qp] appears.

Keep your word, keep your word

Hold your breath [] (due to excitement, fear, etc. ) don't vent; bate/hold one's breath

Apologize ['apology] n.apologize and admit your mistake; shelter oneself

Submerge ['submerge] vt. To submerge, cover up (in a low voice).

70 sadness, sadness; Sadness; Grief; miserable

7 1 obvious [5 cbvies] a. obvious and clear; clear

Rub ['rub] n.rub, rub, rub

The evidence is obvious, obvious and clear.

Weaving method, weaving pattern

Weep, weep, mourn, grieve for ... ...

TV program reporter (or commentator)

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Remind, remind; Remind. Remind, remind; associate with

To remind (someone) about. ...

Forgive, forgive.

8 1 paste [] paste ..., follow closely, follow closely; Persistence; Loyalty; support

82 refer to [rife: tu:] v. Involve; Consult; become

Apologize to sb for doing sth. ...

Apologize to sb for doing sth. ...

Daily diet, daily food; Special diet

Nut, nut; Nut; Nuts; Nuts, nuts; Difficult person (thing)

87 muscle [5 mqsel] n. muscle, physical strength; Strength, strength

88 protective [pre5tek tiv] A. defensive, protective; Care for and protect (the people)

Beans, broad beans, leguminous plants

90 peas [pi:] n. peas; A pea-like thing


Eggplant, eggplant

Pepper, pepper; Pepper. Sprinkle (pepper, etc. ) on.

Mushrooms, mushrooms; Mushrooms grow rapidly.

95 peaches [pi: TF] n. peaches, peach trees; peach

96 lemon (tree); tartrazine /Lemon yellow

N./v/v. scale of balance; Balance; Harmony of works of art; Balance, debt

A balanced diet A balanced diet

99 BBQ [5bb: bikju:] n. BBQ bench; Barbecue picnic. Barbecue on the bench

100 imbalance [] imbalance.


102 baking and recycling; Baking; toast

Stir, stir

French fries.

Should be. Should (when used, it should be followed by to, then the verb prototype)

106 should [5C:t tE] should, must (use this to express strong suggestions).

Coke tree, coke drink

Sugar, sugar

Sugar, sugar, sweet

1 10 logo [saint] v. logo (name), department (name) n. symbol, mark; Trace, mark

111loseweight [] became thinner; lose weight

1 12 slim [slim] a. slim; Thin; Xiao v loses weight and becomes slim

1 13 curiosity [7kjueri5csiti] n. curiosity; Strange things, antiques, antiques

Hostess; Hostess; Waitress; A companion, a partner.

Curious about ... curious about ... ...

1 16 raw [RC:] a. uncooked, raw; Untrained, untrained

Keep up, keep up, keep up ... stay ...

1 18 thunder v. release, release; Laying eggs; Laying, laying; Set up, arrange


To accomplish (something) without being noticed or punished.

12 1 Lie [Lai] VI. Lie down, lie flat; In; Lies, lies.

Lie [lie].

Customer, customer

124 discount [5 sets of aunts] n. discount; Discount. Discount; Ignore, doubt

125 win ... win back

Weakness, weakness, weakness; Weaknesses, shortcomings; avocation

127 strength [5 strength, intensity] n. strength, intensity; Strength; Advantages, advantages; Manpower; military strength

Consult, consult, consult ... discuss with ...; Check, check

Fiber ['fiber] n.cotton, wood, muscle, etc. ) fiber

Abstract, abstract, abstract. Digestion; Understand [understand] [abstract]

13 1 toxic [5 pcizenes] a. toxic and harmful; Malicious, malicious

Carrots, carrots

Obesity, obesity.

Vitamins, vitamins, vitamins

Protein, protein.

136 Make a living [] Make a living and earn money.

Debt, debt

138 liabilities [] * liabilities; be behind in payment

139 Glare [Glee Club] vi. Glare; Give off strong light; Glare; show off

Spy ['spk] n.to be a spy, spy; Discover, discover

[Spy] Spy, spy

Boundaries; Boundaries; Scope; Range. limit

Limited, limited

Benefit, benefit. Benefit from

Beneficial ['benigni] a. beneficial, useful, beneficial

146 breath [brest] n. chest, breast; Chest. ] Hold out your chest to meet. ...

Garlic, garlic powder.

Sigh, sigh. /n。

149 combine [kem5bain] v Union group [anti] separation and division.

150 cut [] cut [cut] reduce, reduce.

Know, realize, realize

Soon, soon.

A long time ago. ...

154 weight gain [] * weight gain; put on weight

Cooperation, cooperation.

Birthplace; Birthplace; Birthplace. home

157 cause, cause [cause] (something)

Novel ['fiction] n.novel

Youth; Adolescence; nonage

Adventure ['adventure] n.adventure, adventure, adventure.

Phrases; phrase

162 author [5c: we] n. author, writer, author; Founder, promoter

163 scene [si: n] n. scenery; Background, scenery; A scene

Narrator, narrator.

Bet, bet, bet ... bet, gamble; wager

Penniless, penniless

(British monetary unit) penny

168 wonder [5wcn de, 5WB: n: der] 5. Lost, neglected, off-topic, off-topic; Stroll, stroll

(British) sidewalks; Paved road

Businessman; Businessman; Businessman; Industrialist?

17 1Permit [Pe5mit, 5pe: MIT] V. Permit license; licence

Forward 172. Front (head); Forward (towards); advance

173 Go [] Say, go, do (oral), go.

Accidentally by accident

A compartment (in a building or room)

Stare, stare, stare.

177 staret [] stared. ...

Night arrival.

179 fault [fc: lt] n. shortcomings; A mistake, a fault; Mistakes; Negligence Find fault with sth.

Dots, spots, spots. Ornaments; Accurately identify and locate

18 1 channel [5pasidv] n. aisle; The passage of time; Section, paragraph (of an article)

182 unpaid [qn5payed] a. unpaid); unpaid

183 account [e5kaunt] a. Description; Account six. explain

184 accounts for [E5KAUNT FC:] explain [explain] ...

Embassy, embassy staff

186 seek [si: k] v. (later, for) search and exploration; Try, try

187 patience [5 peifen] n. patience (strength); Patience; Tough and tense.

Contrary ['contrary] a. 1.contrary, contrary (thing)

189 on contrast [] on the contrary, on the contrary.

190 charity n. relief; 【pl。 ] charity; bear

Envelope, envelope.

Unbelievable, unbelievable

193 steak [steik] n. steak; A large piece of meat (or fish)

194 pineapple [5] pineapple

195 dessert [di5ze: t] dessert (as the last course of dinner)

196 amount [e5mauunt] n. total number, quantity; The amount v. * * * is equivalent to, close to (to).

197 take a chance.

198 rude [ru: d] a. rude; Rough, rough

199 mode [5 bristles] n. method; Attitude, behavior; 【pl。 ] Business English Etiquette

200 screams [skri: m] v. (from fear, pain, etc. )

20 1 genuine [5 dvenjuin] A. True and worthy of the name; Sincere and frank

202 issue [5 ifu:, 5 isju:] n. Problems, arguments, disputes; Issue; Issue. Problem (cloth)

203 fake [feik] n. fake a. fake v. forgery; pretend

Lager [a] n. ) rag; Inferior newspaper

205 in rags [rags]

It was indeed in 206 AD. Indeed; Sincerity; (agreeing) Not really.

As for ... as for, about.

208 bow [Bau, beu] n. Bow v. bow; Bow; bend

A barber who cuts or shaves people.

Astronomy, astronomy.

Astronomers, astronomers.

Of or produced by the sun; Use sunlight

2 13 system [5 system] n. system; Collection of methods, approaches and steps

Solar system

Religion, belief; Faith, creed

2 16 theory [5 wieri] n. theory, principle; Theory, viewpoint, opinion

Atoms; Atoms; Atoms; microparticle

21800 million. (France, America) one billion; (UK, Germany)10 billion; Mega, countless

Earth, the world; Globe; range

Global, global, worldwide; Total (text), complete

22 1 violence [5 vanity] a. violence; Of or caused by violence.

After a period of time [time]; Finally; in time

223 carbon [5kb: ben] carbon paper, carbon paper, carbon copy, copy.

224 atmospheres [5 atmospheres] n. Atmosphere (layer); Air; Atmosphere, environment; barometric pressure

225 is different from. Unlike …, different from … A. Not similar, different.

Basic, basic, basic. [Basic Principles of Business English]

Appearance, manners

228 dissolve [di5zclv] v. (make) dissolve, melt; Liberation, cancellation; Weaken

Harmful ['harmful] a. harmful; harmful.

230 acid n. acid, acidic substance a. acid, acid; Sharp; sharp

Chain, chain; Bind (with a chain)

Reaction [ri5akfen] n. reaction, reaction; Reaction, confrontation

Multiply, multiply, multiply. Increase and breed; Multiply by vi. Diverse

Oxygen ['oxygen] n.

Lay eggs [] lay eggs

Dinosaur, dinosaur

Existence, existence. Existence; Survival, life

238 produce [] reason, produce; Give birth to (a child)

Therefore. So; Like this; So; therefore

It's someone's turn to do something.

Dioxide, dioxide.

242 carbon dioxide [5kb: Benda I 5 ck said] n.

Prevent, stop, stop; prevent

Puzzle ['puzzle] 244 puzzle; puzzle; scrabble

Biology ['biology] n.biology; Creatures in a region


247 gravity n. gravity; Solemn and serious; serious

Satellite satellite (used as an adjective in this paper)

Gentle ['meek] n.249 Kind and gentle; Gentle; Not steep; well-meaning

250 geologists

Physicist physicist

252 block out [] cover,block

253 extinct [ik5 stinkt] a. extinct; No longer active, extinct, abandoned

Climate, climate; Climate; (social) ethos, (social) ideological trend

Collision, collision, falling, damage.

Spacecraft [5 SPE is 7 FIP] Spacecraft

257 pull [pull] v. Drag, pull, pull; Pull and pick; Pull, pull, pull

Lighten, lighten, lighten. Shrinkage 5

Cheer up [] makes you happy and excited; Cheer up, cheer up

Floating ['floating] a. drifting, drifting. Swing; Problems; Realization; keep

261mass [MAS] n. (large) group, block, group; A large number; Numerous; (pl。 ) quality

Now that it's ... now it's ...

Master the tricks of ... ...

264 broke out [] (war, etc. ) broke out; Cause to escape, cause to escape

Exhaust, exhaust. Exhausted; Detailed treatment; exhaust

266 be careful [] be careful; Be careful of ...

267 Multicultural [7 MQ Lti5kqltfrel] A. (with or without multiculturalism)

Common sense test (on radio or TV programs)

269 Canadian [KE 5 Neidien] A. Canadian; Canada-Canadians

270 element [grassland] A. First; The best youth, prime of life; the best

27 1 minister [5 ministers] n. Minister, diplomatic envoy; pastor

272 prime minister, prime minister

Local governors, governors, governors; Director, director, director

274 instead of [] instead of; Not too much ... like ...

Mainland, mainland; Mainland; Continental Europe (excluding Britain)

276 bags [5 bags of idv] luggage

Chat, chat; Chat Chat, chat

278 scene [5Si: Neri] n. Scenery, scenery; scenery

East 279. East-facing

280 degrees west [5 westwed] a. west; the west

28 1 upward, upward, upward, above ... Get up, get up

Surround, surround. besiege

Harbor, port, safe place, refuge

Measurement; Measurement; Measurement; Measurement; 【pl。 Measure.

Boated in 285 ad. & Prepositions are on the ship (plane, car); To board (an airplane)

Settle down [settle down and live a stable life; Calm down; marshal one's thoughts

Management, operation and handling; Try to deal with it; Control, manipulate

Discover, see, suddenly see

289 eagle eagle

There...... Talent ...

29 1 in [wi5Tin] prep. Within ... advertising. Inside, inside.

Border, national border; National boundaries. Border on ...; proximate

293 light [slait] a. slight; Slim; Slim. /despise

294 acres of land; real estate

295 urban area [5e: Ben] urban area

296 location [leu5 keifen] n. location, place; Location (of a movie)

Title ['title] n.a title (of a chapter, paragraph, etc). ); theme

298 mix [miks] v. mixing, blending; Get along; confused

Mixing; Mixing; Mixing; Mixing ratio; mix

Bush [buf] n

Maple, maple, maple

Frost, Frost, Frost

303 confirm [ken5fe: m] v. to make it stronger and stronger; Confirmation; Confirm, approve

Wealth, wealth, wealth, wealth

305 is far away, far away; Indifference, alienation

In the distance [in the distance]

Mist, blur

Vague and foggy.

309 classmates

3 10 booth [bu: w] n. (covered) booth; Telephone booth; (partitioned) compartment

Downtown; downtown; downtown; downtown.

3 12 pearls; Pearl; Beads; fortune

3 13 is about [E5prcksimelli] ad. About, almost right

Dawn, dawn, dawn. Dawn, dawn, dawn

3 15 workplace [5 we: kpleis] n. workplace; workshop

3 16 buffet [5 bqfit, bq5fet] n. Catering counter (at the train station or train dining car); dining table

317 broad [BRC: d] a. width; Tolerance; Rough and general; open

Near, near. A preparatory school nearby. near ...

Tradition; Tradition; Convention; One legend is that ...

To frighten, frighten. Make (someone) feel scared, scared.

Scared ['scared] a. feel scared (modifier)

Cheerful ['glee] n.zd.

323 impress[im 5 press, 5impres] v. (top) seal; Leave an impression, leave a deep impression

Impressive, unforgettable. praiseworthy