Confucius studied Laozi's poems.

It is said that the rich give people money and the righteous give people words. I am neither rich nor expensive, and I have no money to send you; I'd like to send you a few words. In today's world, smart and knowledgeable people are almost dead, because they are good at mocking others' mistakes; Those who talk eloquently and are smart, are always in trouble, just to publicize the evil of others. As a son, don't think highly of yourself; As a minister, don't put yourself first.

The deceased is like a husband, not giving up day and night! The water of the Yellow River is rushing, and people's years have passed. Rivers do not know where to go, and life does not know where to go. After listening to Kong Qiu, Lao Tzu said, "Between heaven and earth, life and heaven and earth are one." Heaven and earth are natural things; Life is also a natural thing; People are young, young, strong and old, just like the alternation of spring, summer, autumn and winter in heaven and earth. What is sadness?

Born in nature, died in nature, let it be natural, and nature is not chaotic; If you don't let nature run, you will be bound by nature. If fame exists in your heart, you will feel anxious; If you want to stay in your heart, you will have more troubles.

Heaven and earth push themselves, the sun and the moon show themselves, the stars order themselves, and the animals make themselves. It's natural. Why bother? People are born as human beings, so they have nothing, so sharing weal and woe means that there is a natural principle and a natural way. Only by following the principles and ways of nature can the country be autonomous and the people be self-righteous. Why should we talk about rites and music and advocate benevolence and righteousness? It is far from human nature to talk about rites and music and advocate benevolence and righteousness! Just like those who beat drums to escape, the louder the drums, the farther they escape!

Goodness is like water: water is good for all things without dispute, and being hated by all people is the virtue of modesty; Therefore, Jiang Hai can be the king of all the valleys, and if he is good at it, he can also be the king of all the valleys. The water in the world is not weak, and the strong can't win, which is also gentleness; Therefore, softness wins, and weakness wins. Because it has nothing, it can be integrated, so it can be seen that teaching without words and inaction are also beneficial.