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Qiao Feng helped Hongji to put down the rebellion, and was made king of the Southern Courtyard, and A Zi was the monarch of Duan Fu. Qiao Feng and Ah Zi stayed in Wang Miyun, but they were not used to living in this house. One day, while hunting with a son, when the Khitan soldiers of the Song Dynasty came back from mowing the grass valley, one of the prisoners was ambushed. This man is Youtan, a descendant of Youxian Village. He vowed to kill Qiao Feng for revenge, but he was infatuated with A Zi. Qiao Feng let Youtan know, everyone left, accidentally lost the Yijing Sutra, and Youtan picked it up. After Qiao Feng left, A Zi led the people back to the yamen. In order not to let Qiao Feng recognize him, A Zi was cruel to him, and A Zi tortured him to death, but his love for A Zi was undiminished.