Su Xiaomei said, "Xu Lai is a cool breeze. Add a word between the two sentences as the' waist' of the poem and become a five-character sentence. "
Su Dongpo thought for a moment and then said, "The breeze shakes the willows, and the bright moon reflects the plum blossoms."
Su Xiaomei said: "Not bad, but this' waist' is not beautiful enough."
Huang Gu went on to chant, "The breeze dances with fine willows, and the moonlight hides plum blossoms."
Su Xiaomei said: "This is a good sentence, but it still doesn't use the ideal words."
Su Dongpo couldn't help it at this moment and asked, "So, what word did you add, sister?"
Su Xiaomei said: "My brother's Shake and Ying really describe the dynamics of the willow and the bright moon, but Gu Gong's Dance and Yin are slightly better. Because' dancing' imitates people's movements and reflects Liu's posture more vividly; " "Tibetan" is an exaggerated way of writing, which makes the bright moon more prominent.
And what I want to say is:' the breeze helps the willows, and the bright moon loses the plum blossoms'. "
Su Dongpo and Huang listened and applauded together.
Su Xiaomei's word "help" and "loss" personify "help" more accurately, which not only describes the slight wind and delicate willow, but also describes the intimate and snuggling expression of wind and willow, so it is more vivid and appropriate than the "dance" of Huang Gu. The word "lost" is also more vivid than the word "hidden", which accurately describes the integration of the moon and plum blossoms. Children, today we knock on the door of poetry and walk into the beautiful world of poetry. Let's read more poems and read them well, and our life will be full of poetry.