The sun is hung with the sun and the moon, and ghosts and gods have the right to life and death. Heaven and earth only distinguish between those who are turbid and those who steal their feet. Why did Yan Yuan live? Poor people who do good live shorter lives, while evil people enjoy wealth and longevity. Heaven and earth are also afraid of hard work, bullying the weak and afraid of hard work, but the result is so logical. What is land, good or bad? God, you are both smart and stupid! Alas, only two tears fell.
The floating clouds are cloudy for me, the hate platform is spinning for me, and the three piles of vows are clearly mentioned. My mother-in-law was also waiting for snow in June, and it was dry for three years. [Singing] Only in this period, you are a wronged soul. Dou Eyuan and Guan Hanqing.
The man is angry and wronged. Don Zhang said proverbs in prison.
It's not necessary.