First of all, it is foolish to write poems by inspiration, because many times we have no inspiration. Professional writers work every day just to make money.
So forget the inspiration and just write.
First draft method
Whether you are inspired by generate or just want to write a new poem, don't doubt your first draft when you create it!
On the contrary, freely speaking, there is no form of self-censorship: writing anything from your pen, from your fingertips on the keyboard, or recording the raw materials of your voice/video from your mouth.
In short, don't think about the first draft writing! Record any results that appear: good, bad or irrelevant.
When a writer tries to criticize his first draft material when writing, there will be creative obstacles: this is a fatal mistake. The human brain cannot criticize what is said and speak freely at the same time.
Free expression and rational criticism are two independent forms of thought: in order to succeed, each form must be practiced independently of the other.
The first draft was written for you. Future drafts are for your audience.
I have always been puzzled by poets who claim to write only for themselves, so I never edit what they write.
They are geniuses ... can't you see? )
The rest of us must edit our graffiti to make it easier and more beautiful for those who see our words.
In order to answer the above questions, our poetry editor has no time limit. If my goal is to make a perfect work-my own ambition-then this perfection may not be achieved for a long time.
When I was writing this song in my twenties, a song deviated from the direction because of one sentence. By reciting, I know that this poem is not perfect, but I don't know how to do it or why.
Thirty years later, I finally found this problem, in a word, changed. Look! The task has been completed.
More typically, it is beneficial to leave the new poem for at least a day or two before the final editing.
This gives the brain time to process poetry. As an audience or reader, it is possible to notice the roughness in writing with fresh eyes.