Philippians 2; Psalm 139

Philippians Chapter 2

With the mind of Christ Jesus

Everyone has an ideal self or ideal life in their heart. The yearning for an “ideal type” is the example we want to imitate and emulate. The object of imitation for Christians in this world is Jesus. They must have the heart of Christ Jesus as their heart. The object of imitation is the world. Do not imitate this world. Just change your mind with the new. (Romans 12:2) So, how do we know what Jesus is like as a role model and what his intentions are? This requires allowing the Holy Spirit to enlighten us and allow us to see from the scriptures what kind of God our God is. So, can we model our lives after Jesus and model our behavior after the world at the same time? cannot. No one can serve two masters; either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24)

To imitate Christ, we must learn His meekness, humility, obedience, and self-denial... If we imitate the world, we will become self-serving, proud, rebellious, and self-imitated. Christ wants us to be holy from the world. If there is no difference between the thoughts, thoughts and actions of Christians and those of the world, then we need to be alert. And being different among Christians does not mean that they are "alien" or "freaks." On the contrary, as God’s faultless children in this crooked and perverse generation, we appear as bright lights in this generation. (Philippians 2:15) Thank you for the Lord’s holy words that have illuminated me.

Psalm 139

God is our eternal hope. Even when we are in the darkest situations of life, God is still in control. He is still the God who rose from the dead. He is still the God who was, is, and will be forever. He is still the God we can rely on and look up to in times of trouble. Thank you Lord!

Inspirational verses:

As children of God without blemish in this crooked and perverse generation, you appear as bright lights in this generation. (Philippians 2:15)

The darkness cannot hide me from you, but the night shines like the day. Darkness and light are the same to you.

(Psalm 139:12)