Modern poetry about peace

Call for peace (nursery rhyme)

The beauty of the field

This should be a golden ocean.

But now the guns are fired again and again.

Stop farmers from harvesting.

Why on earth is this?

Happy school

This should be a paradise for children.

But now it was dismembered by machine guns.

Stop children from reading aloud.

Why on earth is this?

A wide road

It should be a place where people walk.

But now there are fragments of mines everywhere.

Stop people from visiting relatives far away.

Why on earth is this?

Human market

Should belong to all kinds of things.

But it was blown up by bombers.

Leave the project without a new owner.

Why on earth is this?

Boundless forest

This should be the world of animals.

But now the continuous Grenade

Break their dreams

Why on earth is this?

An endless sea

This should be the home of fish.

But today's cruise fleet and submarines

Be an uninvited guest

Why on earth is this?

We hope and we pray.

Let people in the war

There is an express train.

A missile that can escape terror.

Have a warm home.

You can live happily.

Enjoy the world like us and bring you happiness.