You are my sinus node.

You are my sinus node. The next sentence is the beginning of my heartbeat when I met you.

Recently, online advertisements are popular "You are my sinus node", which means that every time my heart starts because of you. Without you, my heart would stop beating, so you have a very high position in my heart.

Sinus node is the starting point of the heart, which causes the heart to beat. If someone tells you "you are my sinus node", it means that you are very important to him, and every "heartbeat" of him is because of you.


Sinus node is an important part of the cardiac conduction system and the normal pacing point of the heart. It is rectangular and located at the junction of superior vena cava and right atrium. Under the epicardium at the upper end of the sulcus, the sinoatrial node is mixed with connective tissue, so that the node has no obvious boundary. There is no sinus node, and the ECG has only one straight line.