Verse 26 even talks about the Holy Spirit sighing. The Holy Spirit knows our weakness, and he prayed for us with unspeakable sighs. What do you mean?
When your prayer is wrong, the Holy Spirit will bring your prayer to God. He first changed words and sentences to clear up wrong ideas. Filter out what you shouldn't filter, and let the most essential and accurate ones be accepted by God. The Holy Spirit is the mediator.
Sometimes when the Holy Spirit filters for us, he will sigh, "Oh, dear, oh, dear." It seems that both translators and preachers make mistakes. What shall we do? He will correct it for him and make the audience understand, because he made a mistake. The holy spirit does the work.
The Holy Spirit who helps us pray becomes the mediator of prayer and service. Because on the one hand, he clearly knows God's will, which can never be wrong. On the other hand, he is well aware of our weaknesses. Therefore, when we are weak, he sighs, he sighs silently and prays for us. He brought us to the father according to his will, so that God could please us. Thank god!
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