No one is an island. No one is an island.

"No one is an island" can be directly translated as "People are not islands, and no one is an island". This sentence comes from the seventeenth meditation by the poet john donne 1623, which means that people are gregarious animals, and no one can exist alone without gregarious.

The original text is as follows:

No one is an isolated island; Man is not an island, he is incomplete;

Everyone is a part of this continent, everyone is a small part of this continent,

A major part; A part of the mainland.

If a clod is washed away by seawater, if a piece of soil is washed away by seawater,

Europe has become less, Europe has shrunk a little,


Anyone's death will make me smaller, and anyone's death will make me shrink back.

Because I participated in human beings; Because I participated in human beings;
