1. If faith has color, it is China red; If security has color, it must be peace blue.
2. If faith has color, it is China red; If dreams have color, it must be country green.
3. If faith has color, it is China Red. If time has color, it will definitely reflect the mottled light and shadow of the years.
4. If faith has color, it is China Red. If 2022 has colors, it must be a colorful dream.
5. If faith has color, it is China Red. If the dream has an end, it points in the direction of China.
6. If faith has color, it is China Red, which expresses the common aspiration of the 654.38+04 billion people in China.
7. If faith has color, it is China Red. If courage has colors, there must be several colors, including "protecting white".