Ask Pushkin for a touching event (about 1 words)

In the autumn of p>183, Pushkin spent three months in his father's territory, which was the harvest period of his life's creation and was called "the autumn of Poljinnuo" in the history of literature. He finished the poetic novel yevgeni onegin, which he began to write in 1823, and created the image of the first "superfluous man" in Russian literature, which became his most important work. He also wrote The Collection of Belkin's Novels, four poetic novels The Miserable Knight, Mozart and Charlery, Banquet with Epidemic Plague, The Stone Man, and nearly 3 lyric poems. The postmaster in Belkin's short stories is a model of Russian short stories, which opens the tradition of shaping "little people" and his realistic creation is in full swing.

After Pushkin came to South Russia in May 182, he stayed in Yekaterinnovlav and Kishinov, and went to Caucasus and Crimea. South Russia is the stronghold of the South Society of December Party members, and Pushkin is closely related to them and influenced by them ideologically. Exile life and the natural scenery in the south also left a mark on Pushkin's creation in this period. The southern exile period is the climax of Pushkin's romantic poetry creation. In the past few years, he has written four famous romantic narrative poems: The Prisoner of Caucasus, Brothers of Robbers, Tears of Bahce and Salaj, and Tzgang. In 1823, Pushkin began to write the poetic novel yevgeni onegin in Kishinov. In the later period of exile in the south, the relationship between Pushkin and Governor Odessa deteriorated. In 1824, the authorities intercepted Pushkin's personal letter that "offended" God, and used it as an excuse to exile Pushkin to his mother's territory, Mikhailovsk village, Pskov province, and put him under house arrest.

during the period of confinement in the countryside

Mikhailovsk village was very remote, and only the old nanny accompanied him. He broke off contact with December Party members, but was close to rural life under serfdom and ordinary Russian people. During these two years, he often went to the market to listen to farmers talking and singing, and paid great attention to collecting folk stories and oral legends. Pushkin learned the people's language from there and absorbed many useful nutrients, which had a great influence on Pushkin's later creation. In the past two years, Pushkin has created many excellent works, such as Prisoner, To the Sea, To Kane and If Life Deceives You, and dozens of lyric poems, such as the narrative poem Count Nurin, the historical drama boris godunov and the first six chapters of yevgeni onegin.

While he was under house arrest in the countryside, a December Party uprising broke out in Petersburg. Pushkin has always been concerned about the development of tenses. After the failure of the uprising, the new czar Nicholas I decided to recall the poet to Moscow in order to attract him to serve him.