Looking for foreign poems about changes in all things, such as changes in the universe, changes in nature, changes in human society, etc.

Ode to the West Wind

(English) Shelley

Translated by Zha Liangzheng

Verse 1

Oh , the violent west wind, the breath of autumn life!

You are invisible, but the dead leaves are swept away by you,

Like ghosts meeting a wizard, they flee one after another:

The yellow ones, the black ones, the gray ones, As red as tuberculosis,

Oh, a group of people seriously infected with the epidemic: West wind, it is you

Using a chariot to drive the winged seeds to the country

On the dark winter bed, they lie there,

like the death hole in the tomb, cold, deep, and lowly,

until spring, your sister in the blue sky blows Arise

Her trumpet resounds throughout the sleeping earth,

(calling out young shoots, like a flock of sheep, foraging in the air)

will Colors and fragrances fill the mountains and plains.

O unruly spirit, you travel far and wide;

Destroyer and protector: listen, listen!

Verse 2

Sinking into your rapids, when the sky is in chaos,

The flowing clouds are torn apart like dead leaves on the earth

Branches free from the tangle of sky and sea.

Become the messenger of rain and lightning: they fall

On the azure waves of your majestic energy,

like the flying hair of a madwoman shining ,

From the farthest and fuzzy edge of the sky

Right to the middle of the sky, it is swaying everywhere

The curls of the approaching thunderstorm are facing death Year of The condensation of your all-powerful power;

That is your pure energy, from which will burst forth

Black rain, hail and fire: Oh, listen!

Section 3

It is you, you wake up the blue Mediterranean,

And it has been sleeping all summer,

Being lulled into a dream by the whirlpool of the clear water,

next to a pumice island in Baya Bay,

it dreamed of ancient palaces and pavilions

Trembling in the shadows of the water and the sky,

they are all covered with moss and blooming flowers,

the fragrance is so charming and intoxicating! Oh, in order to make a way for you

the turbulent waves of the Atlantic Ocean

split themselves to both sides, and deep in the abyss

the ocean The flowers and grass in the forest and the muddy forest

Although the branches and leaves are sparse, they have no energy;

They are scared to death when they hear your voice:

While trembling, he shrank automatically: Oh, listen!

Section 4

Hey, if I were a dead leaf lifted up by you,

If I were a cloud that could fly away with you,


It is a wave, breathing with your power,

If I share your pulse, I am just not as free as you

Oh, uncontrollable life !

If I could dance in the wind like I did when I was a boy

I would become your partner and swim in the sky

(Because, at that time, I had to Wanting to chase you to the sky,

does not seem like a dream), I won't be as anxious as I am now

Wanting to pray with you.

Oh, lift me up and treat me as a wave, a leaf, or a floating cloud!

I fell on the thorns of life, and I bled!

This life subdued by the heavy yoke of time

It turns out to be just like you: proud, nimble and untamed.

Stanza 5

Make me your harp, like the forest:

Though my leaves have fallen, what does it matter!

The music stirred by your great ensemble

will be dyed with the deep autumn mood of the woods and me:

Sad but sweet.

Oh, wish you could give me

a violent spirit! O brave men, let us be one!

Please blow my dead thoughts to the world,

Let them promote new life like dead leaves!

Oh, please listen to this spell-like poem,

Let my words be like ashes and sparks

From an unquenched furnace Fire spreads to the world!

Let the trumpet of prophecy pass through my lips

Awaken the sleepy earth! West wind,

If winter comes, can spring be far behind?