In the early morning, my mother went to Dongzhuang to deliver letters to the Eighth Route Army, and Yu Lai was the only one at home. At this time, the traffic police uncle Li suddenly ran in and got into the tunnel. When the devil came after him, Yulai bravely and tactfully fought with the devil and covered the traffic police uncle Li. I also jumped into the river of returning home under the enemy's gun and escaped this disaster.
I think Yulai deserves to be a little hero. He is so clever and brave. He is so bold and cautious when he meets difficulties. Usually timid as a mouse, afraid to walk at night, and afraid to spend the night at home. It's all girlish to think of it. We are men, too, and we can't be intimidated by the small difficulties in front of us. No matter what you do, be strong and stick to it.