The holy spirit entered my heart.

The holy spirit entered my heart.

Only when the holy spirit of truth comes will he guide you to understand all the truth; Because he didn't say it himself, but told everything he heard and told you what happened later. He will glorify me, because he will tell you what he has received from me. (John 16: 13- 14)

The Lord Jesus promised the arrival of the Holy Spirit, which is the Holy Spirit of truth. He only tells the truth, so that we can understand the truth and help us distinguish between true and false. This truth is unknown to the world, not provided by the world, but the true light inspired by the Trinity God, which illuminates the darkness of human mind. The truth revealed by the Holy Spirit is all the truths within the scope of the Bible. He will help us to understand the future by studying the Bible, that is, the sacred truth about the future revealed by God. Although we can't know all the details of the future at a glance, we should be satisfied with it and believe in the integrity of this truth with joy.

God's power has given us everything related to life and piety, because we know the Lord who calls us with his glory and virtue. (2 Peter 1:3)

The Holy Spirit not only reveals the truth, but also enters our hearts to accompany us and teach us, just as Jesus is with his disciples every day and teaches them. He helps us to know more about the position and teaching of Jesus, the mind of God the Father, God's laws, grieve for our sins, know that our sins are forgiven, and live a new life without worry and be happy forever. All this is done by the Holy Spirit, so that we may glorify Christ.

How beautiful God is in our hearts.

How elegant! God is with us.

What a blessing! The Holy Spirit guides us.

How sweet, I think it belongs to the Lord completely.