A glorious song of resurrection

A glorious resurrection, giving thanks for everything, arranging music, giving thanks for everything, mixing and shrinking, giving thanks for everything, a glorious resurrection, a song of life, with the suffering of Jesus, there will be Pentecost, how many souls will be saved and how many lives will be renewed, and we will come out of desolation and weakness.

The reconstruction of life is in full swing. The river of life ascends to heaven, the collapsed tent ascends to heaven, the river of life ascends to heaven, the collapsed church ascends to heaven, a glorious resurrection and a triumph of life. Where there is the suffering of Jesus, there is Pentecost.


How many souls have been saved and how many lives have been renewed? We should get out of desolation and weakness and rebuild our lives. The river of life ascended to heaven, the collapsed tent ascended to heaven, the river of life ascended to heaven, and the collapsed church was rebuilt into a great country.

The river of life, the resurrection of glory, the triumph of life, where Jesus suffered, there was Pentecost, how many souls were shocked and how many lives were renewed. We have crossed the river of despair and weakness, the river of life is overwhelming, the collapsed tent has been built into a great patriotic country, the river of life has been overwhelming, and the weak church has been built into a great patriotic country.