Information about the Atana creed

It is said that Athanasius Jing was written by Athanasius, the godfather of Nicea, and was later compiled by three godfathers of Capadocia (basire of Caesarea, Li Guige of Naxi and Gregory of Nyssa). Athanasius is a great spiritual man, who opposes arrio's theory and adheres to the trinity theory. When he was a deacon in Alexandra Church, he accompanied Bishop Alexander to the Nicaean Conference held in 325. In 328, he succeeded Alexander as bishop. At that time, the doctrine of Arioux, which denied the Trinity, prevailed, causing confusion in the church's beliefs. Athanasius sticks to the truth and opposes heresy. Despite persecution, he remained faithful to his beliefs (exiled five times: Trier in Gaul in 335-37, Rome in 339-46, Egypt in 335 -6 1 year, Egypt in 362-63 and Egypt in 365-66). Under the influence of the holy spirit, in 38 1 year. The Roman emperor Theodosius I supported the doctrine of the Trinity. At this point, the trinity was established in the church.

The Sutra of Atana Samm was circulated in western churches around the 5th century, and the present version was formed in the 9th century. Because Tenet's content summarizes Athanasius's theological thought, most people think it is his work. However, in the17th century, the Catholic scholar Voss declared that this creed was not written by Athanasius. He thinks that all Athanasius's works are Greek, but Tenet is circulated in the Latin church, so the original must be written in Latin. More importantly, Tenet didn't have the word "Homoousia" emphasized by Athanasius, so it wasn't written by Athanasius. From then on, the author of the Sutra of Atana Sam became an unsolved case in the history of the church. Although the author of the creed cannot be verified, it is still of great significance for Christians to know the truth and resist heresy.