Ricker’s literary influence

The influence of art

Schopenhauer and Nietzsche both had a profound influence on Rilke’s art, and they started very early on. This is what Rilke has always been obsessed with. One of the reasons why he still did not give up philosophy when he was studying classical literature.

The biography of young Rilke begins after he became homeless. Loneliness was the shackles of Rilke's life. This can be seen from the modified poem "Heimat" that appeared in the collection of poems "Sacrifice to the Gods" released in 1896. It expresses Rickel's affection for his hometown of Prague.

Rilke's poetry influenced philosophers such as Heidegger, Sartre, and Camus, and initiated existential philosophy. He did not write three pseudo-literatures, and none of his poems fell into the three pseudo-literatures, which shows his profound ability to pursue pure art. He is recognized as: "the greatest German poet after Goethe and Herderlin." Through the comparison Through in-depth study of Erke's poetry, Heidegger discovered that the essential state of art and existence is a state of unconcealment, and based on this, Heidegger formed his existential aesthetics (concentrated in his work "The Road in the Forest" , "Being and Time"). These views of Heidegger profoundly influenced later existentialist writers Sartre, Camus, and even later Kundera.

Internationally, Rilke deeply influenced poets such as Tsvetaeva and the existential literary school. In China, in the 1980s, there was a wave of "Rilke fever" in the Chinese poetry circle. Many poets such as Bei Dao were affected by it. Its influence on Chinese poetry cannot be underestimated.