PADRE NUESTRO~~ ~ ~ What does this mean? I saw it on the ring. I want the whole one.
Our heavenly father is a Spanish eulogy. I just read the Chinese version used by Bible believers the other day. Our father in heaven, may everyone hallow your name. May your kingdom come. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our daily food today. Forgive our debts as we forgive others. Don't let us be tempted, but save us from evil. Because kingdom, power and glory will always belong to you. Amen. There are always brackets in the Chinese Lord's prayer, but this sentence is not in Spanish (your version), so I enclose it. There seems to be no such sentence in the English Lord's Prayer. There are some mistakes in your original text, and some have no stress and spaces. Maybe you copied it from the ring. You didn't see clearly, and you didn't know where there should be pressure and space. I've seen rings like this, and I really can't tell the space apart. Let me write the correct original for you again: our father is in Siero, San Ficado Hai Touraine, our son Pande Kada Diaz, and our mother. Our mother is often together, and no one is in the tent, and no one is on the balcony with Cato Reynolds. Hagase Tuvoluntad, because he is on the railway in cielo. We have two sons, one son and two daughters. No one knows when they first met. Amen. I think the above version is closer to the following Latin original: Pater noster, qui est in coelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. One day, my wish was at school and on the land. We use sweet words to describe people, sweet words to describe people, and sweet words to describe people. No temptation, no freedom. Amen.