Clouds turn to rain, snow turns to wind, and nights turn to clear skies. Come to Hongtun, stay with birds and birds. Three-foot sword, six-bow, north of Lingjiang River. The Summer Palace on the ground and the Guanghan Palace in the sky. The two sides of the strait are green with smoke, and the garden is full of spring rain and apricot flowers. The wind and frost on the temple, the guests who left early on the journey; A misty rain, a person was late by the stream. Along the way, we are different from each other, the old man to Huang Tong. River wind is to sea fog, shepherd is to fisherman. Xiang Yan is poor, Ruan Tu is poor, and northern Hebei faces Liaodong. The pool is full of water and the wind is blowing outside the door. Emperor Liang gave lectures in Tongtai Hall, and Emperor Han bought wine in Weiyang Palace. Worried by dust, lazy to caress the seven strings; Frost is full of temples, shame to see bronze. Poverty is to wealth, congestion to communication, and barbarism to children. The temples are green to the eyebrows and the teeth are red to the lips. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the sword bends against the bow. Half a brook is green, and thousands of trees are red. Wild crossing swallows wear willow rain, fragrant pond fish play with the wind. Women have slender eyebrows and a crescent moon under their foreheads; Men are strong and full of pride.
Two winters
Spring to summer, autumn to winter, dusk to morning bell. Seeing mountains is for playing with water, and bamboo is for pine trees. Feng Fuhu, Ye Gonglong and butterfly dancers are singing in pairs. Double purple swallows bring mud, and several wasps bring honey. In spring, Yingying is just right in the garden, and in autumn, the geese are harmonious outside the Great Wall. Qin Lingyun Cross, 8,000 miles all the way; Wushan is washed by rain, and there are twelve dangerous peaks. Bright and dark, light and thick, wisdom and base. Mirror to clothes, field pestle to village. Flowers are burning, grass is fluffy, and nine summers are three winters. Taiwan Province is famous for playing horses, Xiaolongzhai. Hand-broken crab claws from Bi Zhuo, wearing cranes from princes. The five old peaks are high, and the show is like a jade pen inserted into the sky; Three aunts are big, and the wind and rain are like gold. Benevolence is right, courtesy is right, and Yu Shun is right. Snowflakes are on cloud leaves, and peonies are on hibiscus. Chen Houzhu, Hanzhong school, embroidered tiger versus carved dragon. The wind in Liutang is light and the flower beds are thick. It is appropriate to see butterflies in spring and smell flies in autumn. When a soldier is honored, he will become brave because of fighting; Yimin's ambition depends on poetry and wine to support carelessness.
"Three Rivers"
The building faces the pavilion, the door faces the window, and the vast sea faces the Yangtze River. Shang Rong is opposite to Zhang Hui, and jade is opposite to silver. Blue cloth curtain, blue oil building, sword against golden urn. Loyal to serve the country, the mouth covers the country. Wang Jie lost his way and killed Pang Long. The autumn rain is raining, and the yellow flowers are full of paths; The spring breeze is blowing, and the green bamboo is full of windows. If you are right, you will build the right buildings, so your country is also right for other countries. Qianshan to Wanshui, Jiuze to Sanjiang. The mountain is crumbling, the water is gurgling, and the drums are racing against time. The breeze gives birth to the wine house, and the white moon shines on the book window In the battle, Jian Ziying on the roadside surrendered. Ponds in summer, seagulls bathing are right; Spring curtain, camp and swallows. Two baht, only two pairs, from Hua Yue to Xiangjiang River. The car is forbidden to drum, and the fire is against the cold cylinder. Qingsuo Road, Bi Screen Window, My humble abode vs Zhoubang. The flute is thin and the bells and drums ring. The main book is based on the name of habitat, and the surname of Zhizhong is only Pang. Su Wu shepherds sheep, and snow is often eaten in the North Sea; Zhuang Zhou is alive, and the water must be settled in Xijiang.
Four branches
Tea is to wine, poetry is to poetry, and swallows are to welcome children. Planting flowers is opposite to planting bamboo, and falling flowers is opposite to gossamer. Four eyes, one eye, one eye, one eye, one eye, one eye, one eye, one eye, one eye. Half a pool of red lotus, a cup of white tea. A few autumn winds can wait, and a spring rain knows when. Wisdom is profound, and the national scholar swallows the charcoal of deformation; The sheep's virtue is great, and the people in the city stand in tears. The line should stop, the speed should be late, and the sword should go The letterhead is opposite to the cursive script, and the bamboo slips are opposite to the hair cone. Fenshuiding, Xianshan Monument, Tiger and Leopard Against Bear. Liuli Bi, Shuiyang, a hundred flowers blossom, resplendent and magnificent. Go to a woman's house to visit a neighbor's jujube, and become a wife to grow sunflowers in the back garden. The flute rhyme is harmonious, and the fairy tube has just fallen from the clouds; The fishing boat banged along in the snow. Against armour, drum against flag, Yan Zi against oriole. Sour plum bitter plum, green eyes bitter white eyebrows. Three flutes, one go, wind and rain against the wind. Begonia sleeps in early spring, and sleeps in late at night. Zhang Jun once wrote poems for Sophora japonica, but Ling Du didn't write poems for Haitang. Jinshi is comparable to a leopard; Tang Confucianism is knowledgeable, in short, it is also a five-turtle.