Lord, please choose my family. There are too many temptations and sufferings in the world. Don't let them wander around, choose them to come to you. Lord, please choose my family, save them from the evil ones, and let them see in the spirit the danger of unbelief.
You are in power in my house, and my house will be filled with your blessing. May your glory reign in my temple, and may your salvation be handed down from generation to generation. You will take power in my house, and you will be happy and safe with you. Only under your leadership will your life change and follow you forever.
Lord, please choose my family, choose them as your heirs, and fill my family with joyful ointment and praise songs inside and outside the courtyard. Lord, please choose my family, change their thoughts and concepts, and make my home a holy place for prayer and an altar for praise.
You are in power in my family, and my family will be filled with your blessings. May your glory reign in my temple, and may your salvation be handed down from generation to generation. You are in power in my family, and you will be happy and safe together. Only under your leadership will your life change and follow you forever.