The original Christian songs were sung every day.

The original song of the Christian poem Every Day is Plateau.

Here are the lyrics:

Every day is the grace of the Lord, and every day has joy and peace.

Every day is filled with the Holy Spirit, and my life is renewed and changed.

The Lord gives new grace every day and seeks the glory of the Lord every day.

Follow the footsteps of the Lord every day and bring me into my home in heaven.

Every day, every day, the longer God's love, the sweeter it will be. Every day, God's love will never change.

Christian music is an important part of Christian religious ceremonies, which is to sing and praise God. These songs praising God were originally accompanied by musical instruments. The musical instruments used are: harp, harp, cymbal, horn, etc.

In the Christian church in the Middle Ages, all musical instruments except the organ were forbidden to be used, and only a single-part and free-paced unaccompanied plainsong was a legal church song.

There are four schools of plain Song (also called hymns) in western churches: Ambrose Song named after Bishop San Ambrose of Milan, Gaul plain Song of French Church, Mosala Bryan Song of Spanish Church and Gregory plain Song named after Pope Gregory I. After the 8th century, Gregory plain Song became the highest standard of western church songs.

1054, Christianity split into "public religion" and "orthodox religion". Catholics (Catholics, Roman Catholics or Catonists) sing Gregory plain Song, Greek Orthodox Christians sing Byzantine one-voice plain Song, and Russian Orthodox Christians sing multi-voice plain Song.