What is a "singing poet"? (10)

Bards originally referred to people who wrote carols and satires among Celts. By extension, it refers to the poets and singers in the tribe who are good at writing and chanting heroes and their achievements. As early as 1 century, the Latin writer Lou Kanus described the bard as a national poet or singer in Gaul or Britain. This custom gradually disappeared in Gaul, but it survived in Ireland or Wales. Irish bards kept the tradition of singing poems. In Wales, the word "bard" has always been synonymous with poets; 10 century bard is divided into different grades. Although this kind of poets declined in the late Middle Ages, this tradition in Wales survived and was celebrated in the annual national competition of poets and musicians. Bards enjoyed privileges in ancient Celtic society. They sang poems in praise of tribal leaders and celebrated the promulgation of laws. Gaul's minstrels have disappeared under the rule of the Roman Empire.

However, in Gaelic-speaking parts of Scotland, bard existed until18th century. In Wales, although15th century and16th century, the competition is very fierce.

However, after the Middle Ages, the level of bard dropped greatly. Today, poets who want to compete for positions at the national artists' annual meeting still have to write poems with alliteration and strict rhyme in accordance with the classic bard style. Literally, the word "bard" means wandering around the world, singing and eulogizing poetry or one's own creation, and expressing one's views on life or feelings about someone or even the world in a more relaxed and acceptable way. Typical image: likes to play with poetry, and his songs are even magical. Wandering around, telling heroic epics or rural legends everywhere. I like to recite poems while playing the harp, juggling or playing in the crowd as my daily income. Acting half-toned and informal, everything is very relaxed and relaxed.

Reference: various