Poetry stories are shorter.
Cui Hu, a famous scholar in Boling, got the last place in the exam and was depressed. On that day in Tomb-Sweeping Day, he went to the south of the city for an outing alone and saw a villa surrounded by peach blossoms with pleasant scenery. When he was thirsty, he knocked at the door to drink water. No-later, a beautiful girl opened the door. Cui Hu fell in love at first sight. In the second year, Tomb-Sweeping Day and Cuihu revisited their old place and found that the courtyard wall had not changed and the gate was locked. Disappointed, he wrote a poem on the door: "Last year today, at this door, peach blossoms set each other off." People don't know where to go, but peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze. Since then, people have used "peach blossom with a human face" to describe a woman's beauty or express her love.