Gaixia's siege
With a note from Wang Junbi, the food was serenaded, and the Han army and the vassal soldiers were surrounded. That night, Wen was attacked on all sides, but he was frightened and said, "Is Han Dechu?" He Chu has so many people! "Wang Xiang up at night, drink on the account. If you have a beauty, you will always be lucky; Good horses are famous and often ride. Therefore, Wang Xiang is a sorrowful and generous poet, who wrote a poem for himself, saying, "If you pull up a mountain, you will be angry with the world. If it is unfavorable, you will not die. "What can I do if I don't die?" Songs count, beauty and it. Xiang Wang cried several times, but both sides cried, afraid to look up.
So Wang Xiang wants to cross the Wujiang River eastward. The Wujiang Pavilion is long and on the boat. It is said that Wang Xiang said, "Although Jiangdong is small, the land is thousands of miles, and there are hundreds of thousands of people, it is enough to be king. May the king rush by. Today, I have a boat, and the Han army has arrived, so there is no way to cross it. " King Xiang smiled and said, "What can I do if the sky dies?" ! Besides, 8,000 people crossed the river to the west with Jiangdong's children, and none of them came back today. How can I see them? If you don't say anything, is a person worth it? "It is said that Tingchang said," I know the elders. I rode this horse when I was five years old and I was invincible. I tried to travel thousands of miles a day and couldn't bear to kill it for the public. " So all the riders dismounted and walked to fight the short soldiers. Hundreds of Han troops were killed by Du Ji, and their bodies were also made by more than ten people. Gu Jianhuan rode Sima Lv Matong and said, "If it weren't for my old friend. "The second part of stable boy's face refers to a king:" This is also a king. " Nye said, "I heard that Han bought my head and daughter, and I am a good man." "He committed suicide.
Note: ① The whole ship is docked. ② Face to face: Face to face with Wang Xiang. Lv Matong chased Wang Xiang, and Wang Xiang looked back and saw him, so they met face to face. (Excerpted from Chinese readers)
6. In the following sentences, the explanation of the added words is incorrect ().
A. the wall of Xiang is squatting: build a camp B. I heard that Han bought my head and money: buy.
C. Wang Xiang's body was also created by more than ten people; Ting fought with short soldiers; weapon
7. The group with different meanings and usages of the added words in the following sentences is ().
Answer: ① Today's people have made great contributions and also hit them, but injustice also happens from time to time. ② Eight thousand people have crossed the river with Jiangdong's children.
B: ① When the Han army arrived, there was no way out. The army is unhappy. Please dance with a sword.
C. 1. There's nothing we can do without dying. 2. Pei Gong was surprised and said, "Why?"
D: ① Let all riders dismount and walk; (2) is to commit suicide.
8 The following poems are the comments of later generations on Xiang Yu, of which two are sympathetic and affirmative ().
(1) It is advisable to chase the poor bandits with the remaining brave, instead of learning from the bullies. (Mao Zedong)
(2) Jiangdong's children are talented, but it is not clear that they will make a comeback. (Du Mu)
(3) Today's children in Jiangdong are willing to make a comeback with the king! (Wang Anshi)
(4) I still miss Xiang Yu and refuse to cross Jiangdong. (Li Qingzhao)
A.①② B、③④ C、①③ D、②④
9 The following statements and analysis of the original text are incorrect: ()
A. Xiang Yu's army camped in Gaixia, sang Chu songs around Liu Bang and the princes' barracks, and staged a tragedy of "Farewell My Concubine".
B. Xiang Yu refused to cross the Wujiang River because he felt ashamed to meet his elders in Jiangdong.
C. Excerpts mainly focus on the siege of Gaixia and the refusal to cross the Wujiang River, both of which finally show the heroic qualities of Xiang Yu.
D. The tragic atmosphere is rendered around Gaixia, and the exquisite carving of Wujiang River is vivid and tangible.
10, translate underlined sentences in the text. (6 points, 3 points for each question)
(1) The city wall of Wang Jun fell, the food was serenaded, and the number of Han troops and vassal soldiers was heavy.
(2) Know your elders. I rode this horse when I was five years old and I was invincible. I've tried to travel thousands of miles every day, and I can't bear to kill it for the public.
Reference answer:
6.b ("purchase" means offering rewards)
7.a (two "ers" respectively indicate turning point and continuity)
9.a ("Embattled" is a song sung by the Han army in Chu)
10, (1) Xiang Yu's army camped in Gaixia, and Serenade was out of food. Liu Bang's Han army and the armies of Han Xin and Peng Yue were surrounded by layers.
(2) I know you are a loyal elder. I have been riding this horse for five years and I am invincible. It often travels thousands of miles every day. I can't bear to kill it and give it to you! "
Skills related to reading problems
The first step is to read the whole article and get a general understanding.
Read the full text for the first time, get a general idea of the article, and be aware of it. So what should we know about this article?
First of all, understand the inherent nature of the article. who the hell are all these people? What's the matter? What scene? What is this? What topic? How to write? Why do you want to write like this? what do you think?
Second, understand the general structure of the article, the first idea. What are the basic elements of narrative (who, what, when and where)? What is the author's emotional change? What is the material? What's the arrangement? How did the article transition? Find out the clues, order and second level of the article.
Third, understand the thoughts, feelings and main idea of the article.
Note: The above objectives can be achieved in the following ways:
First, grasp the key sentences in the article.
Key sentences in the article: title, opening sentence, ending sentence, self-contained sentence, middle sentence, warning sentence, figurative sentence, serial sentence, turning sentence, emotional sentence, discussion sentence, repeated sentence, key related words (such as words at the beginning of a paragraph: not only? And then what? Because in fact, however, it is), etc., we should pay special attention to those sentences that express the author's position, reflect the deep intrinsic meaning of the article, and are rich in connotation and lively.
Note that the main idea of the article is often hidden in these sentences. Some essays use such techniques as expressing ambitions and symbols, which are quite inconspicuous. We can also find clues from these sentences.
Second, clarify the structure of the article.
Starting with the structural situation, it is easier to grasp the internal substantive meaning of the article, that is to say, it is easier to understand the middle idea of the article if the structural level is clear. From this perspective, understanding structure is the basis of narrative reading.
A clear understanding of narrative structure can be grasped from the following aspects.
Look for clues to the article. The clue situation of narrative text includes: taking time and space transfer as the clue, taking a person, an event and an event as the clue.
When reading an article, you should try to find out the clues of the article so that you can understand the hierarchical structure of the paragraph along it.
(2) Clear the order of articles. The order of narration requires us to master three sequential methods: sequential narration, flashback and insertion.
Sequential narration refers to writing according to the time when a work occurs, develops and ends. Such as the emperor's new clothes. Flashback means that when narrating, the work that happened later is written in front and the work that happened first is written in the back. Interpolation: such as "antelope woodcarving"
When reading, paying attention to the starting and ending points of flashback and interpolation is helpful to clarify narrative clues and grasp the structure of the article.
(3) Clarify the level of the article. Clarifying the level of the article is an important part of clarifying the structure of the article.
(4) Grasp the details of the article. In the selection and application of materials, the article should be primary and secondary, and there should be a detailed plan.
The second step is to review the questions and read back the original text.
After grasping the article as a whole, we will read the stem carefully, find out the points of each question, read back the original text and correspond the stem with the article. What are the methods and steps to read back the original text?
1. Find out the relevant areas of the topic in the original text. See which paragraphs or areas in the text are involved in the topic question and which sentences are related to it.
Second, contact the context and grasp the key sentences. As long as we find the relevant areas in the original text and guess the context carefully, we can accurately grasp the key sentences, and the answers to most questions can be found in the original text.
Third, analysis and synthesis, follow the trail. Find the relevant key paragraphs and sentences in combination with the test questions (Shun Teng), deeply understand the article, analyze and synthesize, and summarize the answers (picking melons).
The third step is to clarify the main points and answer the questions carefully.
Quote the original first. If the topic requires quoting the original answer, find the answer directly and write it carefully.
Second, grasp the corresponding key sentences. If you don't explicitly ask to quote the original answer, you can't copy the original sentence mechanically. Generally speaking, some key words, phrases and sentences involved in the answer are in the original text. We should grasp these important sentences and effectively extract, edit, induce, synthesize, reorganize and induce them.
Third, organize language answers. Answer a few points according to the score first, then answer. When answering questions, we should stick to the meaning of the questions, try to include corresponding key sentences in the text, choose appropriate sentence patterns, choose appropriate angles to answer, that is, answer as you like, and rearrange and combine the known information in the text according to the requirements of the stem of the questions, so as to make the answers full, in place, accurate and organized.
However, there are still some headline questions that cannot be answered simply by reorganizing the language of the article. They need to be understood by themselves and expressed in their own language.