Early the next morning, Abraham chopped the firewood for the sacrifice, saddled his donkey, and went on his way with two servants and Isaac. After walking for three days, Abraham saw the place designated by God from a distance and said to his servants, "Stay here with the donkey, and the children and I will worship and come back." Abraham asked Isaac to chop wood and sacrifice on his back, and he went with a knife and fire. On the way, the naive Isaac asked, "Dad! There are firewood and kindling. Where is the sacrificial lamb? " Abraham replied, "Good boy, God will prepare himself." While speaking, they arrived at the place designated by the Lord. Abraham built an altar, piled up firewood, seized Isaac, tied him up and put him on the altar, and then relentlessly raised his knife to kill Isaac. Just then, the voice of God sounded and he told Abraham to stop. He finally knew that no one in the world was more pious to him than Abraham. Does he need further proof of such a person?
Three days later, they returned to their wives. After living here for some time, Abraham knew that he didn't like Beersheba. He often thought of Hagar and Ishmael, so he wanted to go back to the Lyman Plain where he once lived.
Before they left, Zarain was old and died of old age.