First of all, Cui Ze dares to speak, do and act. He dares to say in front of the other three brothers that he likes virtue and kindness. When Deshan injured his foot and watched them play ball, the giant salamander was suddenly taken away by Zhengba and Shanyu because of hemorrhoid bleeding, leaving only them. Originally, he could leave Deshan directly to inform the parents of giant salamander, but he chose to pick up Deshan and leave together.
After kissing Fred, I'm not sure if it's true, because I may be dreaming, so I'll go to her myself to confirm it. None of this is possible.
Second, Cui Ze can give her enough care, praise and needs. When everyone says that she doesn't look good in a skirt and orange lipstick, Aze will say "I think it looks good", which makes Deshan feel unique.
Whenever Deshan is sad, he will miraculously appear. Even after knowing that she was pushed away by her boyfriend and was alone in the cinema, he would choose to give up the game and accompany her to the movies. It's easy to touch people's hearts when I need you.
Third, Cui Ze can give her enough sense of security. When Deshan was almost hit by the ball, Aze immediately blocked the ball with his back. When Deshan met a pervert, Aze stayed behind her.
Fourth, he has a clear goal, strong competitiveness and high emotional intelligence. He is a mature little adult. His goal is to win, not to admit defeat. Once he lost a game, his friends comforted him, saying that there would always be failures, but he said that he was just a mistake.
Not only playing chess, but also playing bees. If you can't play the walkman in life, you should be brave. If you can't pull out the socket, pull it out slowly. It is obvious that his competitive spirit is not generally strong.