1. When Guan Yu was defeated and captured, Liu Bei raised all the troops in the country to avenge him. He raised all the troops in the country to avenge his adopted brother. On the surface, it was righteousness; but what was he doing when Guan Yu was not dead? When Guan Yu was driven across the river by Lu Meng in white clothes and lost to Xiangyang, he asked Liu Feng for help but was unable to save him. He was finally defeated and fled to Maicheng until his death. It lasted eight months. The Han Dynasty was a mature country at that time. No matter how backward communications were, the emperor Liu Bei should know about it. ? Besides, there is Zhuge Military Advisor who knows astronomy and geography at all levels. How can he not have any news at all? The whole article describes how respectful and polite the two sworn brothers were to their elder brother, but what did Liu Bei do to get close to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei? In addition to crying blood and tears after learning that the two were killed, who wouldn't cry when Liu Bei died?
2. Liu Bei invited Zhuge Liang, not as a polite corporal, but to seize the last life-saving straw. When Liu Bei was being chased like a lost dog, he came up with an idea. Finally, Xu Shu was captured by Cao Cao. He was deceived and chased all over the streets. After "visiting the thatched cottage three times" and inviting Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei no longer visited the thatched cottage to visit any celebrities, and exhausted Zhuge's military advisor to death. Mi Zhu and Mi Fang were just useless people. They were just the brothers of his Mrs. Mi, but they had always been reused. When Feng Chu first joined Liu Bei, he asked the dignified Feng Chu to serve as a small county magistrate because of his ugly appearance. After being teased by Zhang Fei, he finally realized that Feng Chu's reputation had been used. During the Western Expedition, he made a scholar Pioneer results...
3. Liu Bei was actually a little afraid of Zhao Yun. He would not be promoted despite his merits, and was afraid that his rights would be shaken. The battle of Nagasaka showed Zhao Yun's bravery to the whole world, so he should be reused, right? No! Zhao Yun, who is highly skilled in martial arts, has always acted as Liu Bei's personal bodyguard. But the important task of guarding Xiangyang was left to his proud second brother, and the Western Expedition allowed literati like Pang Tong to be the vanguard and was shot into a hedgehog alive. The Five Tiger General Jin Machao killed Cao Cao and gave up his robe. Because his reputation in Xiliang was too great, after being subdued by Liu Bei, Xian Fu was furious at home!
In general, Liu Bei's city is relatively deep. His benevolence and righteousness in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" are basically fictional, and many of his details are terrifying to think about.