Won nearly 100 Nobel Prize in Literature winners' award-winning years and high scores of representative works.

1. paul samuelson developed the theory of dynamic economy.

2. John Hicks studies the theory of economic equilibrium.

3. Leontief developed the input-output method.

4. Friedrich von Hayek-studied monetary theory.

Murdoch studied the economic fluctuation.

6. milton friedman put forward the hypothesis of permanent income.

7. theodore schultz has studied the economies of developing countries.

8. stigler-Study the economic laws and regulations of the public.

9. Buchanan-Combining decision analysis with economic theory

10. robert solow-Research on Growth Theory

1 1.Maurice Alaez- Effective utilization of research resources

12. Harry markowitz-studying financial economics

13. Ronald Coase revealed the importance of property rights.

14. Gary Baker-expanded the microeconomic theory.

15. robert fogel explained the process of economic development.

16. Robert Mandre-analysis of currency circulation field

17. mcfadden developed the theory of empirical analysis.

18. Engel-Engel coefficient is proposed.

19. clive granger-Study the relationship between wealth and consumption.

20. Kidland-learning dynamic macroeconomics

2 1. Jane Ding Bogen-Master of Dynamic Economics

22. Establish the linear programming method in economics.

23. Garin koopman-the epitome of optimal resource allocation theory.

24. Lawrence Klein-Established the mathematical model of economic system.

25. Gerard Debrou developed the theory of economic equilibrium.

26. wilhelm konrad rontgen X-rays were discovered.

27. becquerel-Radioactivity of the substance was discovered.

28. The Curie couple-engaged in radioactive research

29. I am W. Rayleigh-engaged in the study of gas density.

30.lear nard- engaged in cathode ray research.

31.J.J. Thomson —— Studying the theory of gas discharge.

32. Michelson invented the optical interferometer.

33. Lippmann-invented the color photographic interferometry.

Wayne discovered the law of thermal radiation.

35. N.G. Darren-invented the automatic savings device.

36.kamer ling onnes- engaged in superconducting research of liquid helium.

37. Laue discovered the phenomenon of X-ray diffraction.

38. Secondary X-rays of elements were discovered in Bakla.

39. Planck-Discovering the Energon

40. De Broglie discovered matter waves.

4 1. Raman-Discovery of Raman Effect

42. Werner Heisenberg founded quantum mechanics.

43. Schrodinger-put forward a new form of atomic theory.

44. chadwick discovered neutrons.

Ernest Lawrence invented the cyclotron.

46. Alexei Abrikosov-Prove the existence of the second kind of superconductors.

47. raymond davis-detecting cosmic neutrinos

48. Jules Alferov-Study the heterostructure of semiconductors.

49. Martinus J. G. Veltman-Elaborate the theory of weak current unification (interaction).

50. Steven Chu-an expert in laser refrigeration capture technology

5 1. Jacob Henrik van tehoff-discovering the law of osmotic pressure

52. Purine inducer E.H. Fisher was synthesized.

53. S.A. Arrhenius-put forward the theory of electrolyte solution.

54. H. Movasan-engaged in fluorine research.

55. Rutherford-put forward the theory of transmutation of radioactive elements.

56. W. ostwald-engaged in the research of catalysis.

57. grignard invented the organomagnesium reagent.

58. Fritz fritz pregl founded microanalysis.

59. Engaged in the research of decentralized systems.

60.a. I. Wiltanan- studies agricultural chemistry and nutritional chemistry.

61.h staudinger-engaged in the research of cyclic polymer compounds.

62. J. Heyrovsk, Jaroslav put forward the theory of extreme science.

63. Woodward's contribution to organic synthesis methods.

64.e. j. Corey- creating the theory of inverse comprehensive analysis

65. Study the chemical mechanism of the ozone layer.

66. Application of Ahmed Zewail-ultrashort laser flash imaging technology.

67. Allen G. McDiarmid discovered plastics that can conduct electricity.

68. Study on Chiral Catalytic Hydrogenation

69. john fenn invented mass spectrometry.

70. Peter Agre —— Studying cell membrane channels.

7 1. I.llyaPrigogine put forward the theory of dissipative structure.

72. Committed to the research of boron compounds.

73. Li Yuanzhe-invented the cross molecular east method.

74. Theodore lederberg invented the ultracentrifuge.

75.obod ru zika- excellent sex hormone research

76. Serum therapy invented by Behring.

77. Ross-committed to malaria research

78. Pavlov-devoted to digestive physiology

79. Einstein discovered the mechanism of electrocardiogram.

80. Karl Landsteiner discovered human blood type.

8 1. Fleming-penicillin was found.

82. joseph murray invented cell and organ transplantation.

83. Irving Nell-Discovering the Function of Single Ion Channel

84. Edmund Fisher-Discovering Reversible protein Phosphorus

85. philip sharpe-Discovered a broken gene.

86. Discovery of Goldman Gilman -C protein

87. edward lewis-Genetic control was discovered.

88.sink Naji- found the characteristics of cellular immunity.

89. protein was discovered.

90. Robert Fachet discovered the signal molecule of nitric oxide.

9 1. Gunter Blobel-Discover the transfer and location of protein.

92. Find substances that control the cell cycle.

93. Sydney Brown-Discovered the mechanism of gene regulation.

94. Lauterpur-invented magnetic resonance imaging.

95. Barry Marshall discovered Helicobacter pylori.

96. robert koch-The pathogen of tuberculosis has been discovered.

97. Gullstrand-"The Guardian of the Window of the Human Mind"

98. Karel found a way to sew up blood vessels.

99. Wanjin-insulin was extracted.

100. Howard Walter Flory-expert in penicillin research

100 Nobel Prize in Literature winner

1. The representative of idealism and perfect art.

2. German Theodor Mommsen-the greatest master of history compilation in the world.

3. Norwegian Bjornstjerne Bjornson-an elegant, gorgeous and colorful representative.

4. Frederic Mistal, France-a simple poet with great attraction.

5. Spanish Jose Echegaray-a great restorer of comedy tradition.

6. An outstanding writer of historical novels-Henrik Xi 'an Kevic of Poland.

7. Italian poet Giorgio & #183; Caldu: a fresh and lyrical great poet.

8. Joseph Rudyard Kipling, England-Imagine a unique novelist.

9. Rudolf Ou Ken, a great and enthusiastic German philosophical thinker.

10. Selma Lagoff, Sweden-the first female writer to win the prize.

1 1. German Paul John Ludwig von Hesse-a world-famous short story writer.

12. Belgian poet maurice maeterlinck

13. Gerhart Hauptmann, a rich and varied playwright.

14. Rabindranath Tagore, a great Indian writer.

15. French romain rolland-a noble music novelist.

16. Swedish Heidenstam-the pioneer of the new era of Swedish literature.

17. The Danish poet Carl Yale Pu has lofty ideals.

18. Danish Henrik Pontoppidan-a faithful realist writer.

19. Swiss carl spitteler-the creator of beautiful epic.

20. Norwegian Knut Hamsun-the owner of an epoch-making masterpiece

2 1. A real literary master.

22. Spanish Hacinte Benavent Martí nez —— Inheritor of the splendid tradition.

23. Irish poet William Butler Ye Zhi.

24. Wadysaw Reymont, an outstanding national epic writer from Poland.

25. George Bernard Shaw, an Irishman, is a master with great human feelings.

26. Grazia Deledda, an Italian follower of the same problem.

27. Frenchman Henry Bergson-a philosopher with superb expression skills.

28. Sigrid Undset, a Norwegian, was a painter of the northern countries in the Middle Ages.

29. thomas mann, an increasingly classic novelist.

30. sinclair lewis, USA-a witty and humorous novelist.

3 1. Eric Axel Carlfeldt, Sweden-an art poet.

32. John Galsworthy, England-a representative of outstanding descriptive art

33. Russian Ivan Alekseyevich Bunin-a rigorous novelist

34. Luigi Pilandero, Italy-the revival of drama and stage art

35. American Eugene O 'Neill-a sincere writer of traditional tragedies.

36. French roger martin du Garde-a portrayal of life.

37. American writer Pearl & #183; Sedenstrik & #183; Booker-the Descriptor of Farmers' Life in China.

38. Frans Eemil Sillanpaa, Finland-A profound and exquisite art exhibition.

39. Johannes Wilhelm Jensen, a Danish poet.

40. Gabriela mistral, Chile-a symbol of Latin America's desire for ideals.

4 1. hermann hesse, Germany-the representative of classical humanitarian ideal

42. andre gide, a Frenchman, is a writer with keen insight into psychology.

43. Thomas stearns Eliot is a pioneer representative of modern poetry.

44. william faulkner, the United States-a powerful contributor to American novels.

45. Bertrand Russell, Britain-Defender of Humanism

46. Par Fabian Lagerkvist, Sweden-Explorer of Eternal Problems

47. francois Mauriac is an observer of the human mind.

48. The great political writer Winston Churchill.

49. ernest hemingway, the representative of narrative art.

50. Helder Chiriyan Lexness of Iceland-an outstanding novelist.

5 1. Juan Ramon Jimenez-the best example of pure art

52. Albert Camus, a Frenchman-the lamp of human conscience.

53. Boris Leonidovich Pasternak of Russia-the representative of Russian traditional epic.

54. Italian Salvato quasimodo-the lyricist of tragic experience.

55. Saint John of France & #183; Perseus-a meditator of the image of the times.

56. ivo andric, Yugoslavia-a heavy historical novelist.

57. Realist writer john steinbeck.

58. Outstanding lyric poet-Greek poet George Severus

59. Frenchman Jean Paul Sartre-a follower of truth

60. Mikhail sholokhov of the Soviet Union-an upright artist.

6 1. The theme of the Jewish people.

62. nelly sachs, a Swedish poet, is an outstanding lyric playwright.

63. Angel asturias, a traditional Indian novelist.

64. An unusually keen Japanese writer Yasunari Kawabata

65. samuel beckett-an inspiring novelist

66. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn of Russia-the inheritor of Russian literary tradition.

67. Pablo Nie Luda-the restorer of fate and dreams.

68. Heinrich B?ll, a German, is a writer of perspective times.

69. patrick white, Australia-the discoverer of New World Literature.

70. Ivender Johnson, Sweden-a historical liberal poet.

7 1. Harry Edmund Marthinsen, Sweden-a writer with insight into nuances.

72. Italian Montal Eugenio-Interpreter of human values.

73. American Saul Bellow-Perspective of Contemporary Culture

74. Aleixandre Merlo, a Spaniard, describes the present situation of human beings.

75. isaac bashevis singer, the United States-a reflection of the general situation of mankind.

76. People who struggle for freedom and innovation.

77. Polish czeslaw milosz-Descriptor of Human Exposure.

78. Elias Canetti, England-a writer with rich thoughts.

79. Gabriel Garcí a Má rquez of Colombia-a representative of the Magic School.

80. william golding, England-The Exposer of black heart.

8 1. yaroslav seifert, Czech Republic-Praise of the Human Spirit.

82. The combination of poets and painters.

83. The creator of poetic life

84. joseph brodsky, a writer who transcends time and space.

85. naguib mahfouz, Egyptian-Arabic language artist.

86. Camilo Jose Serra, Spain-Descriptor of human weakness.

87. Humanitarian writer Octavio Paz.

88. South African Nadine & #183; Gordimer —— The Depictor of Interpersonal and Social Relations.

89. Derek Walcott, Saint Lucia —— a wonderful flower where many cultures meet.

90. Tony Morrison, USA-the shower of American real life.

9 1. Kenzaburo Oe, Japan-the combination of reality and myth

92. A profound ethical writer.

93. Polish Shim Borska-the reappearer of historical change.

94. dario fo, an Italian, is a writer who lashes authority.

95. Portuguese José Saramago-a compassionate writer.

96. Gunter grass-Descriptor of Historical Faces.

97. Gao Xingjian, France-the pioneer of China's novel.

98. In Britain, Vidiadar Sura Prasad Naipaul, an explorer who is unaffected by the secular world.

99. Hungarian Kertesz Imre- autobiographer

100. Coetzee, South Africa-The masterpiece of a self-exiled writer is really hard to find, and it is too much trouble to find one difference after another.