Playing the sheng, drums and reeds, carrying the basket is the general. The Book of Songs
The courtyard is dark and dark, carrying two shoes, and the forest flowers and thunder are flying and scattering the scarves.
As soon as I entered the Weiyang Palace, I was very worried. I didn't worry about the troubles, and I devoted myself to protect the special room. Yan Wan accepted the kindness, but said that the days and months will last. Lu You
Pingyang's singing and dancing are newly favored, and the spring cold outside the curtain is bestowed with brocade robes. Wang Changling
The cloth fur is cold and hugs the neck, and the felt shoes are warm and warm. Bai Juyi
He inherited a golden tripod and a jade Huangtao in his family. Liu Yuxi
I was so angry that the gods were far away, and my gratitude was low. Du Fu
Who can say that he is depressed and depressed?
Li Bai